Tuesday’s GPP workout looked like it was going to be a piece of cake. 200 Double Unders and 25 KB snatches. Figured it would take me no time at all. Boy was I wrong!!! I have always seen Double Unders and wanted to give them a try, but was a bit intimidated. I will say that this was the first time I may have yelled at a piece of gym equipment. I am not gonna lie, I WAS FRUSTRATED! Then I remember that I didn’t want to serve the workout… I wanted the workout to SERVE ME! So I took a few deep breaths and just did some normal jump roping. Before I knew it, I finally got in the rhythm to do some Double Unders and then I GOT IT!!!
My challenge to you is to try and do just 100 of these!!! Come on… give it a try
Question: Have you tried a Double Under?
9 responses to “{WMOW} Double Unders”
I’ve tried them but I’m not very good. Maybe I’ll try that challenge this weekend!
Wow! These look much more challenging that just regular jump roping but I am dying to give these a try in the morning. I’ve been loving the GPP workouts, and am a couple days behind, but am seriously a fan of how quickly they go by and how sweaty I am afterwards!
I don’t do crossfit but I always heard about the double unders and wondered what the heck they were. Thanks for making the video to show us! Those things have got to be so hard! Jumping rope on its own is a good workout so doing the double unders is hard core! Great job with them!
yes! I don’t do crossfit as well, but have always wanted to try! They are hard, but you can do it!
i’m so proud of you baby girl. i am proud of both of us for tackling this workout. it was kind of like we did it together <3 it was so special to me
thanks sweetie, yes it was!
we love the jump rope but scarred of double under
guess we should practice them more!
tough challenge
Wow this look like it would be a great challenge! My problem is I am clumsy as all get out and the jump rope and I don’t get all all that well. haha Maybe i’ll still get the nerve up to try it!