I have seen these posts going around and thought it sounded like a fun post to write and I am all about some FUN!
Training the Hubs
This year, hubby asked me to help him with a new workout plan that included running, biking, and weight lifting. I wish he would do some GPP with me, but he wanted to try a plan with more weight lifting. So I decided to go with the NROL Supercharged book for men and women. I am really liking it so far and I will keep you updated on his progress. I am secretly hoping he will write a blog called nHisShoes!
New Hair
I got my hair done on Monday from my awesome friend Jamie and I asked her to bring back the blond! I missed it so much and I desperately needed change. Honestly, I almost chopped it off. She said “Why don’t you straighten it? it will be fun and sassy!” She was right. I like the straight. Let’s see if I can pull off doing it myself.
Morning Snuggles
This little peanut wakes up between 5:30am and 6am. When she wakes up she is so happy and cuddly I just can’t get enough! I had to put on her owl hat one last time before she grows out of it.
Wild Flowers
My man knows me so well. After the race he got me a bouquet of wild flowers. I don’t LOVE flowers, because they are expensive and die so fast, but I love wild flowers because they seem to last longer and they are just beautifully imperfect.
Play Time
RJ and I are starting to get more of a routine down and the one thing that she can not get enough of is Mamma or Daddy pushing her around in her little car. It’s so cute to watch her giggle and get all excited the minute she get’s into it. It’s also a pretty fun workout and I am pretty sure it’s the only way I get in my 10,000 steps everyday!
Real Clothes
Yes, I still wear real clothes. I know most people would love to live in their PJs and workout clothes, but I am not like the others. I honestly love throwing an outfit on everyday, it refreshes me and helps me feel more awake! Now, let’s be honest we do have pajama parties over here frequently, but its not an everyday occasion.
Dave’s Killer Bread
I remember when I was in Portland staying with a friend she had this bread that I just fell in love with. I never saw it in our local grocery store (Vons) until this week. I was squealing with JOY! I think my hubby was a little worried. It’s so good and I love that it’s all natural and has the best texture ever! I hear it’s at Costco now too!
Simple Dinners
I have been enjoying a lot of the meals off of the New Years Shred Meal plan as well as just simple healthy dinners. We have come up with a new meal plan for our family and I love it. Mondays: Italian Night, Tuesdays: Taco Night, Wednesdays: CrockPot, Thursdays: Community Group, Fridays: Date Night or Build your own pizza night. Keeping it simple yet clean is what it’s all about!
This week I decided to start RJ on a regular naptime schedule, which means we need to stick close to the house. I could tell she was ready for longer periods of sleep and time in her crib. I love the website Sleepy Planet, it gave me a good understanding of what amount of sleep babies need. RJ wakes up at 5:30, goes back down around 6:30 for a little nap, then down at 9:30 for her first nap and 2:30pm for her second. Well at least that’s what I am shooting for. I am listening to her more than anything. The best thing about naptimes is time to ready my Bible, stare out the window, journal, write my to-do list (that will never get finished), eat fresh oranges from our tree, and just BE STIIL.
Cooking with RJ
I am not gonna lie, I am that crazy mom that talks to her baby all day long. When making dinner together, I pretend we are on the Cooking Channel and speak out everything I am doing while I do it. I have always wanted to be on a cooking show and now I am.  She is the best Sous chef!
The Park
I have realized that I have to get out of the house at least once a day. Not far, but out! I try and plan a park day at least once a week with a friend. We bring our lunches, catch up on life, and play with the kiddos. It’s free and fun for all. Thank goodness we live in So Cal where it has been in the upper 70’s.
Since the marathon I have only taught kickboxing once and just did a little. I am resting this week, even though my body is feeling great! I haven’t been too sore but I know that rest is something I NEED! I will be back at it on Saturday with a bike ride.
Refresh Summit
I am getting super excited about he Refresh Summit coming up in March. Planning and praying with our core team has been such a blessing. I cannot wait to have you all up and have a great time of retreat together. I am loving what God is already doing through this summit and I can’t wait to see all that unfolds.
Question: What are some things that you are loving lately?
P.S It’s not too late to sign up for the New Years Shred Round 2!!!!!
13 responses to “What I am Loving Lately”
I love your weekly meal plan – I think I’ll do something like that for us. I’ve been really struggling lately to think of ideas for dinner and that seems simple, yet helpful.
I love it! I talk to myself a lot too.
If only I had a little one to listen! hahaha
I always wanted to be on a cooking show too…I’ve been known to talk to myself but there’s no audience.
i love the ti’s brown rice and quinoa pasta!
I love how happy RJ is in all those pics! What a great kid
Sounds like you are having lots of fun!
SHE IS FULL OF JOY <3 i love it
i love your whole fam and hope to hangout with you again some day soon – i miss you like crazy!
i'm loving your hair, too!
I am loving my new ‘do that I got last night…I went back blonde too, but I also chopped it off!
Sunny and 70 seems like a dream! RJ is such a dollbaby!!
Your sweet little angel! She just gets me smiling with every picture! Such a beautiful family Bobbi! I am eating some toasted Dave Killer Bread as I type–The. Best. Bread. Ever even my kids love it.
Good Morning from Hawaii Bobbi! I am loving these things too! I know we have never met but you truly inspire me. Everything about you. I want to start running a little more distance but I cant get myself to go more than a few miles. I think it will happen eventually. And I love seeing RJ every day. She truly is a Joy. Looking forward to your weekend pics! Have a fantastic day!
Love love love your hair! I really want to go lighter when summer comes – HOPEFULLY I will have some extra money to do it by then.
I love the fitness book idea! I think that will be my husband’s bday gift this year=) He has a weight lifting book from the 80s, no joke! Arnold Schwarzenegger is featured in it. LOL! I think it’s time for an update, so thank you for sharing!
So much goodness!!
Love the sassy hair!