Weekend Wrap-Up: Girls Night Out + Baseball!

Life is for living so LIVE it!! I LOVE my friends. They bring me such great joy. But more than anything I love my Hubby and weekends where I get to have times with both, make me HAPPY!

Friday night was LADIES night at the spa. It’s a miracle to get all 7 of us ladies together and we finally did it!


Our toes are ready for SUMMER!


After the spa we hit up a local Thai place for dinner. CHEERS for fun nights on the patio. I enjoyed a chicken salad with peanut dressing (forgot to take a pic).


Saturday morning I woke up BRIGHT and early for Bootcamp! This summer I am hosting a fun boot camp in the park for local friends and families as well as Beachbody Challengers. It couldn’t have been a more beautiful morning and I can’t wait to see more people come.


I worked a full 8 hour shift at work and then surprised Hubby with the ultimate date night!! I got Dodgers Vs. Cardinals tickets! I am a huge Dodgers fan and Hubby loves the Cardinals. We haven’t been to a Dodgers game in about two years!


It was the most beautiful evening in LA! We heart baseball. I enjoyed a Blue Moon and of course an all beef Dodger Dog. It’s just not baseball without a beer and dog.



We had such a great night and are officially ready for summer! When we woke up look who decided to sneak in bed with us! Mr.B is part human.


While I got up to get ready for work, Bosco took my place. Isn’t he the cutest?


I haven’t worked a Sunday in a while and with the long week I wanted nothing more than to throw my hair in bed, put my comfy shoes on and go all comfy to work! Loving arm swag 🙂


Summers are the best at WORK!


After I got off work I finally made it to the gym! It took everything in me to leave my air conditioned house and go out for a sweat! Half the battle is getting to the gym


I did this circuit three times and got in an awesome workout!!! A sweaty Sunday is a good Sunday to me.


Sunday nights for the Hubby and I in the summer are GRILLIN’ nights! So last night we fired up the grill and threw on a burger for the Hubby and tilapia for me. I also made my wonderful Brussel Sprout Goodness (I added diced carrots, celery, and onion).


All I added to my Tilapia was a little lime and this secret ingredient purchased from Costco.


I also baked some of Alexia’s Sweet potato Fries!


The rest of the evening was all about chillin’ on the couch and watching sports. Mr.B’s stance is what Sunday’s were made for.


Time to get my Monday prep on!!

Things to come on NHerShoes this week:

*Visit it to the Love Pad!
*Back to the Garden.
*20 Minute Tuesdays are BACK!
*Fitmixer Bootcamp Update.
*Gym Makeover

Happy MONDAY fun day!!


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