This weekend we had not one, not two, but THREE dinner parties. It’s that wonderful season again. The great thing about dinner parties is that everyone pitches in and it helps us save for the NO SPEND CHALLENGE!!
Our first dinner party was an out door potluck. I brought my own MASSIVE salad beast and topped it with a quinoa salad my friend Melissa brought.
Saturday morning was kind of a blur!! Amy and I met up at the gym WAY to early for a Saturday, but did get in a great weight circuit.
Dinner party #2 was with my dear friend Susie. We haven’t been running together (sad day), we had a lot to catch up on!
Dinner was some fresh salmon with guac, grilled veggies (from the garden) and sweet potato fries <—-RANDOM I know.
Oh and our GARDEN is GROWING like crazy! We pretty much have a produce stand in our backyard.
Sunday morning I got up early and went to the newest, cutest little coffee shop in town. I decided to get my Sunday prep in before church as well as get in some of my Beth Moore Study (I am doing the study of David).
Came home and got dressed for church…went with the WHIMSICAL HIGH BUN! Need to a tutorial on this, so easy and so fun!
After church I made the biggest grilled veggie salad from leftovers. Grilled eggplant, tomatoes, bell pepper, zucchini and squash. With a little avocado and veganaise.
Amy and I have been getting in an AWESOME SWEATY workouts on Sunday afternoons, we call it ourSunday Sweat Session! In case your wondering I have no real training plan right now, except to enjoy EVERY workout get in weights three times a week, 2 runs, and maybe a long bike ride. I am just cruising, but I am sure there will be a race I sign up for soon!
Sunday night was dinner party #3, where I enjoyed some Cab! My parents always bring the best wine.
I made Tilapia tacos, black beans, and of course more grilled veggies. I make a super easy marinade. First chop of the veggies, throw in a big zip lick bag, throw in some EVOO + balsamic vinegar and a little salt and pepper. Shake it all up, throw it on the grill. SO GOOD!
We ended the night with a much cleaner cobbler then the last one I made!! Posting recipe tomorrow
We all finished the evening catching up on the Olympics!
Love my brothers!
We hit the sack early and I got up this morning for an 8 mile SWEATY RUN with Val! It was 85 degrees by 7am! We made it and finished strong.
The rest of the day was all about prepping for the week and enjoying lots of delicious food of course
I am loving the chalkboard menu I made last night with chalkboard spray paint!
I actually finished the laundry room door today as well It’s the door we come in and out of everyday. I need to get better at writing with chalk. My hand writing looks like a 5 year old!
About half way through the day I hit the backyard and took a POOL break!!!! IT WAS 105!!!
Took a CHOBANI break too, yep Chobani is back in my life.
I also prepped food like crazy this evening. We have another dinner party tomorrow night (taking new parents food)….
Made a random dinner of leftovers and zucchini fritters! —>another recipe I will be posting this week.
I made this zucchini muffins for the co-workers tomorrow (sneaking in veggies at work). Follow the recipe, except used coconut oil.
Just when we thought the kitchen was closed we got word that it was National Root beer FLOAT day! Hubby was so sweet and ran out and got us some root beer so we could celebrate. I can’t tell you the last time I had one of these, man they are good!
Alright I got to give this attention whore some lovin’.
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