Happy MONDAY!!!
Can you believe that it’s already half way through the year?! Crazy right? Maybe I should look back on my New Year’s Goals and re-evaluate how I am doing. How are you doing? June also means summer is just around the corner! Guess I am glad I am SHREDDING it UP with all my June Summer Shredders!
This weekend was kicked off with our #FridayFunDay! I work about 16 hour days all week, between being a Mama, Personal Trainer, Kickboxing Instructor, Blogger, Retreat Coordinator and Refresh Attire Owner! I love it all so much, but I feel like I just need a day to fully disconnect! So Fridays are our new Sabbath. This Friday we hit up the beach for some fun in the sun. It was amazing!
This weekend I also had the great pleasure to spectate my first Marathon! I know crazy, right?! My dear friend/running buddy was running her 6th marathon at the Rock and Roll San Diego Marathon. RJ and I tagged along to cheer her on!
We arrived on Saturday and hit up the EXPO, oh how I love RNR EXPOS! So many fun things to see and taste. There wasn’t too much that I didn’t see at the Boston Marathon Expo, but there were two people that I was thrilled to run into!!! Monica from Run Eat Repeat and Meghann from Meals and Miles! Two of my longest blogger friends who I adore! It was so good to catch up with them and cheer them on in the race as well.
It was kind of weird going out to dinner with the racers and not trying to “carb load†myself. I did enjoy some pasta because  you have to “when in Little Italy†and some wine. It was kind of nice not worrying about what I was going to eat!
We hit the hay early and got up even earlier! Thank goodness RJ is an easy baby and an early riser, she was a little champ waking up to say good luck at the start line with Susie.
The only other time we got a chance to see her was at mile 5. Where we saw Skinny Runner and Monica as well.
Then we headed to the finish line. I have so much respect for spectators, it’s a crazy hot mess out there! Trying to get to the finish line was crazy! But we made it about .6 of a mile out and I got to cheer Susie on one more time and her daughter even jumped in to finish with her!
She did amazing! Kinda made me want to do another. OH NO! I got all emotional just watching! Races make me such a sap!
We celebrated with some wonderful Mexican food and of course a Margarita …I mean I did walk about 6 miles with a baby. That counts for something, right?!
We hit the road and got home in time for SUNDAY baseball!!!! I still had some work to catch up on, but it wasn’t so bad working outside with this view.
Such a fun weekend!
Question: Have you ever spectated a race?
3 responses to “{Weekend Wrap-Up} Fun in San Diego”
You and Monica are wearing the same top! Hehe
What a wonderful weekend! I have heard so many incredible things about San Diego and it’s so great that you got to see so many great people. Hope you’re having a great week love!
It sounds like you had a fantastic weekend! I love San Diego
Karen @karenlovestorun