Morning friends!
Sorry for being a little MIA! It has been quite the fall season. In the past three weeks I have done two half marathons, a century bike ride, traveled to Orlando, Oceanside, and now I am in Tennessee! So needless to say life has been a lot of fun and full of adventure! I feel like the best post for this week would be a little virtual coffee date. So pull up a chair, a cup of coffee/tea and let’s chat!
If we were having coffee this morning I would tell you that I loved every minute of the century bike ride and I can’t wait to do a full blog post on it. I even think that after I got off my bike I could have ran a full marathon. What I mean is that I think I will do that Ironman one day (not any day soon). I was so thankful that Gatorade gave me the opportunity to do this race and I can’t wait to ride another.
If we were having coffee this morning I would tell you that I am so excited about the Refresh Summit this weekend! I landed in Tennessee Monday night with little Miss RJ! (Hubby will be here today, Thursday.) This was my first flight solo with a toddler and thank GOD she did so well. I was so nervous to fly with her by myself for 5 hours with her on my lap. I made her miss her nap earlier in the day so she would sleep on the plane and she did! She was only squirmy for a little bit, but was a true champ through the rest. I can’t believe the Refresh Summit is here already. I feel like yesterday we were asking folks to sign up and now we are ready and full!!! The weather here is crisp and cool, making my warm coffee a little more special. Some of the hosts got here yesterday to help with a couple things before Friday, but we are gonna get out a little since they have never been to TN and have some fun!
If we were having coffee this morning I would tell you that I helped at the Raw Threads booth in Orlando for the Wine and Dine Disney Race last week. We got to stay in Celebration Florida, the cutest storybook town I have ever seen! It was made by Disney and had the most charming feel about it. The expo was very tiring but a lot of fun, 14 straight hours a day on our feet chatting with runners about races and outfits. All the talk about races got me really wanting to do a Disney race. I have never done one in the past because they are so expensive. Well to make a long story short, on Saturday as we are packing up the booth one of the girls I was working with had an extra bib and asked if I wanted to run (standing there with my throbbing feet) UM SURE! I mean come on, a free Disney Race at 10pm in the rain, why not??! May have been the craziest and most fun thing I have ever done! I will do a full recap of the race for sure, but let’s just say I can’t wait to do another!
If we were having coffee this morning I would tell you that it has been fun enjoying the fall season in the south. The weather here is for really cold and I love that I get to wear scarves, boots and warm cozy jackets because I need them not just because I like them! It’s 35 degrees here today!!!
If we were having coffee this morning I would tell you that I haven’t really worked out (minus the races and bike ride) in almost two weeks and I am ok with it. I will get in some good workouts this weekend at Refresh Summit and may not workout till the week of Thanksgiving after that, but will be starting the HOLIDAY SHRED and man I can’t wait! I love all the endurance cardio that I have been doing, but I am ready to bring back some strength. Speaking of the Holiday Shred, TODAY is the last day to SIGN UP! If you have already signed up you will get a welcome email this Saturday!
Cheers Friends!
5 responses to “{Virtual} Coffee Date in Tennessee”
Have you stopped your strength training due to races? Just curious how bad it is to take like two weeks off from weights.., advice?
Taylor! I did TRX twice a week, but I didn’t lift super heavy. I started lifting again this week and I didn’t feel like I was that out of shape, actually felt refreshed!
I’m a little bit jealous you’re in boots and sweaters! If we were having coffee, I’d tell you I’m over the rain in the Caribbean. Is that crazy;)
You are one busy lady! I have always wanted to do a Disney race as well, but I live in Texas so that is quite the treck! That is so cool that you go to do one right on the spot!
Happy to hear that you are well and are having so many fun adventures! I am not sure I would be as spontaneous as you and run a race after a long day, I’m impressed! You must have been running on some good adrenaline