{Virtual} Coffee Date


If we were having coffee this morning, I would tell you that we are on Holiday in Tennessee visiting the Hubs’ family.

I am sitting in my five layers of PJ’s (it’s currently 20 degrees out), 5am, the whole house is silent with a very large cup of Joe! It’s the McCormick’s first time meeting RJ and they are head-over-heels in love!


I still can’t believe she is three months today! Man how the time flies by… And no, we didn’t pose her finger… D’Oh!

If we were having coffee this morning, I would tell you how I am so overjoyed with Christmas spirit!

Yes, I have always loved the Christmas season, but this year I have truly stepped back and am enjoying the lovely season of Advent. It is so easy (even more with a child) to get wrapped up in the material things of the season and take your eyes and hearts away from what Christmas is truly about.


I am so glad I ordered the Advent calendar from Naptime Diaries this year. Each day I look at a card with scripture and meditate on what God is trying to teach me and wants me to hear. I am also reading The Greatest Gift by Ann Voskamp, which is taking me through Advent in a whole new light! I highly recommend the book. Each day is a short read and finishes with a few thought provoking questions.


If we were having coffee this morning, I would tell you that I love Christmas decorations.

I love all things red and sparkly and apparently RJ does to. Her first look at the Christmas tree lights made her eyes twinkle.


And can I just say how I so want to keep our tree up all year…


If we were having coffee this morning, I would tell you how these past three months have been sleepless yet the best three months of our family’s life.

RJ has truly brought our entire family closer and with her being so little and all has taught us more about love than we could have ever imagined. I plan on doing a three month post next week of the highlights. I had high hopes that I could do weekly or even monthly updates for you all, but I have been too busy soaking her up. So I have new expectations for myself, I plan on doing a quarterly update.

If we were having coffee this morning, I would tell you how I have six weeks until the Phoenix Rock-n-Roll Marathon!

I know crazy right?! I have been running 2-3 days a week and doing the Holiday Shred, but no more than 7-8 miles on the weekends. So my plan is to do 11 this weekend, then 14, 16, 18, and then taper to 10 the week before. I will run two other times during the week about 5-7 miles and do my long runs on the weekend. My biggest challenge right now is training in the cold (I am a heat runner) and getting enough rest to feel up to a long run. I have no big time goals for this marathon, just to finish and have fun. I am running Boston in April and I have big time goals for that race.

If we were having coffee this morning, I would tell you that today is the last day to get in your Refresh Attire orders!

We close shop tomorrow and will not open until January. (www.refreshattire.com)


If we were having coffee this morning, I would tell you to go check out the White Rainbow Project.

The White Rainbow Project is an organization to help widows in India and you can also help out my little bro serve in India by buying a cute scarf, jewelry, ornament and much more by CLICKING HERE!


If we were having coffee this morning, I would tell you how I am loving all the wonderful motivation and life changing that is coming from the Holiday Shred groups!

So many people staying fit and healthy through the holidays makes me sooooooo happy. I can’t wait for the New Years’ SHRED.

If we were having coffee this morning, I would tell you not to lose hope or to dwell in the past.

With the holiday season upon us, I know that this is the hardest time for a lot of people. For people who have lost a loved one, missing family, wishing for something to fill a void in their hearts… the list goes on. Just know that God sent his Son for us to fill that void and to give us great hope. Find joy in the little and big things this season friends and love because He first loved you.



11 responses to “{Virtual} Coffee Date”

  1. I love these posts…always feel like I am there with you. So many amazing things happening in your life right now. The joy resonates off the computer screen!! 🙂

  2. Your overall joy is palpable even through the internet! Hope you are having fun in TN.

    I love the virtual coffee date. You and Christine from LoveLifeSurf do it very well.

  3. RJ is so incredibly adorable! I’ve loved hearing about your adoption experience. My husband and I are considering adoption, but feel totally overwhelmed and have no idea where to start. Did you go through an agency or foster care? I know laws are different from state to state, but would love some advice as to where to start. Thanks for this lovely post!

  4. this was an especially beautiful post. i just started following your blog and am a new follower of jesus, too (even though i grew up going to church). thank you for your beautiful, positive words. love to you and your cute little fam!

  5. I love fitness. I love my babies. and mostly, I love Jesus. So you can imagine I love everything you post. Mostly silent over here but I just wanted to throw out some encouragement to keep on on the track you’re on. Thanks for your posts!

  6. Beautiful post, Bobbi! I hope you are enjoying some down time with family.

  7. Have fun in TN! I hope it warms up a little for you guys.

  8. Cold running can be so tough! I have to always get back into each year and this year has been harder because it has gotten colder faster and the snow won’t stop coming! Enjoy every moment in TN!! Family time is the best 🙂

  9. What color is your nail polish? That is the perfect color for Christmas!

  10. I know how you feel… I HATE running in the cold. To try and make myself do my long runs I’ve been going off the beaten trail (pun… since I always run on a trail) and have been running through the city. It kept my interest for my last 10 miler. I probably will do the same again tomorrow!

  11. I hope you guys have a great time with family in Tennessee! Don’t get caught up in this crazy weather!!