{Virtual} Coffee Date

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If we were having coffee this morning, my coffee would be a VENTI!!!

I still can’t believe I am a MOM! This week has started to get a little bit back to “normal”. Wake up call at 4:00am, feed sweet baby girl, read a little She Reads Truth with her, worship, drink coffee, eat breakfast, catch up on emails, blog while RJ falls asleep again, train a few clients with sleeping RJ (perk of having our gym at home), workout while Hubby watches her (he is off for six weeks), go on walk, hang out all day as a fam, and then train a few clients from 4:30-6:00pm.

For the past two weeks, we have been so blessed by friends bringing us dinner every night so we can have more time to just soak up our sweet girl. She honestly has been such a good baby (we are counting our blessings) and we just can’t get enough of her.

If we were having coffee this morning, I would tell you that I GOT IN THE 2014 BOSTON MARATHON!!!

I qualified this past May at the Mountains 2 Beach Marathon, but still had to register and make sure that I was one of the first to sign up! I could not be more excited to run this race next year and bring the family to Boston!

If we were having coffee this morning, I would tell you that I am getting super excited to launch the REFRESH ATTIRE line of fitness clothing very soon!

I will be posting all about it soon, but you can start following us on Twitter, IG, and Facebook. This has been a dream for Megan and I for a long time and are excited to make it happen!

There is another BIG DREAM that we are working on and I CAN’T WAIT TO TELL you all about it… in the next few weeks.

If we were having coffee this morning, I would tell you that I’m having a hard time getting a swim in for my Iron Girl Training…

But hey, I DO have a GREAT excuse! I have, however, got in all my GPP workouts, runs and bike rides! I definitely have shifted my goal of racing fast to just wanting to finish well in Vegas.

If we were having coffee this morning, I would tell you that I will be running my first half marathon as a Mamma on October 20th at the Temecula Half Marathon, the week before my Tri. 

For sure, I will be running this one for FUN!  The race is to help support The Gerson Institute, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing education and training in the alternative, non-toxic treatment of cancer and other diseases.

If we were having coffee this morning, I would tell you that our house, more than ever, feels like a HOME!

The fall candles are burning, decorations are up, warm Pumpkin Misto in hand and there is a bundle of JOY to make it smell lovely… but more than that, it feels LIVED in!

I am a little OCD when it comes to having a clean house and, with a new baby, we have a few extra things in our living room that don’t match and bottles constantly in the sink… but I am OK with that! I love every pink blanket and burp cloth that I pick up!

If we are having coffee this morning, I would tell you that we went to out first ever MOPS (Moms Of Pre-Schoolers) meeting this week and LOVED IT!

I love that I get to chat with moms with kids of all ages to learn from. I love soaking up all their knowledge and experiences, but also have some pretty amazing women to talk to about all things in life!

If we were having coffee this morning, I would be praying with you for all the ladies over in Indiana at the Influence Conference.

I made a huge MOM decision and decided not to go this year even after I had already purchased airline tickets. I just couldn’t leave RJ at two weeks old and I wasn’t going to take her to Indiana for many good reasons. I know that it was the right decision, but I do miss seeing all the lovely ladies and I am praying that the conference is ROCKING!


13 responses to “{Virtual} Coffee Date”

  1. I LOVE that you are running for the Gerson Institute! I have seen enough Komen stuff out there — time for REAL health changes and I think the Gerson Institute is about making a life change!!

  2. ((hugs)) to you!! So exciting that you got into Boston!! You such an inspiration!! Enjoyed our “coffee date”…I had water tho! 😉

  3. Congrats on BOSTON!!! Also, Congratulations again on becoming a mother. What a beautiful thing 🙂

  4. WOW! So many incredible things, Bobbi! A huge congrats on Boston – a huge accomplishment for any runner. 😀 Your clothing dream and fall home and decisions putting your little one first…good things all around. Inspired by you but even more overwhelmed by God’s faithfulness and blessings to you guys!

  5. you never cease to amaze me with all you do! live big, dream big! Keep inspiring!!! And congrats friend. xxoo

  6. Congratulations on Boston!!! There was so much I loved about this post that I don’t have time to comment on it all. =)
    Alesha <3

  7. Congrats on Boston!! That’s amazing, and so exciting!

  8. This has been one exciting and memorable year for you! Getting your sweet girl and getting into the Boston Marathon at the same time! Congratulations!

  9. Everything is turning out so wonderfully for you bobbi!!!

  10. Yay for Boston 2014! I’m sure it will be such an inspiring and emotional one next year. Congrats! And it’s so nice your husband is off…all that family time together must be perfect. 🙂

  11. Congrats on making it to Boston! So exciting! 🙂

  12. I absolutely love these posts! You are so positive and even when things that could bring someone down happen you always seem to turn them around into a positive! Your little lady is such a blessing and I am so happy for your family!

  13. You are going to LOVE Boston with a little one! So kid friendly and so much to do! She must sit on the duckling statue in the Public Garden, the Aquarium is terrific and there are so many parks for her have a swing.