{Virtual} Coffee Date


If we were having coffee this morning (and yes it would be coffee), I would tell you it has been a roller coaster of a week.

We had a phone call on Thursday from our social worker asking if we would be interested in a sibling set that was up for adoption. Of course we said yes and because it was an emergency situation, we would of had to bring them home on FRIDAY! Our world was a little turned upside down. I knew we asked for two children and I wasn’t in shock… more in awww that it was all happening so fast!

Well, we found out yesterday that they were blessed to being with another family… that hurt, but God gave us peace and we know that His plan is perfect. I am not gonna lie I was disappointing, but more than anything, my heart was broken for those children and so many other children that are out there in horrible situations without a loving family to take care of them. This entire adoption process had really opened up my mind and my heart to so many things!!!

If we were having coffee this morning, I would tell you that I am getting real excited about going on our annual family camping trip this coming week in Bishop, CA.

The past two years we have gone with about 7 other families and their children and it has been a BLAST! No showers, no technology (minus my phone) and just us and nature! We are in charge of breakfast one morning for everyone and I have been pinning ideas like crazy!

If we were having coffee this morning, I would tell you that I am working on blessing my husband. (I hope he doesn’t read this 😉 ).

There is something that I learned along time ago in our pre-martial counseling, just a simple saying, “How can I bless you today?”. You would be surprised how a single act of kindness, even in your intention, can go a very long way. My husband is a professional at blessing me daily, with morning kisses, washing the dishes, getting things from my car when I am already tucked into bed, picking me up something that I need from the store and the list goes on. Well, I know I am not a terrible wife, but I could be more thoughtful… so I am working on it.

If we were having coffee this morning, I would tell you that I finally had an amazing SWIM this week!!!

I was a water polo player in high school, but I always hated swimming! So when I go out for laps, I get bored. This past week I made my laps a game by swimming fast one lap then slow… then repeated for 40 laps. Time flew by and I felt amazing!!!

If we were having coffee this morning, I would ask you when can I bring out my fall decorations?

Is it too soon? I mean… school is back in session… so it’s fall right 😉 I did buy some yummy fall candles from Walmart and CAN’T WAIT to burn them! I also can’t wait to make a lot more soups and yummy comfort food.

If we were having coffee this morning, I would tell you to go make this PESTO CHICKEN recipe ASAP… easy and tastes so fancy!


21 responses to “{Virtual} Coffee Date”

  1. I found myself on your blog for the first time today an I know this post came before the most recent where you welcomed your little girl and I wanted to say I love your blog and am so glad you were blessed with a child. How exciting and wonderful being a parent is. Congratulations!! Also coffee dates sound lovely I have some twitter friends that we have coffee together almost every morning and I love it. Good luck with all that comes in the future 🙂

  2. I’m so sorry it didn’t work out with this set of siblings but I feel very confident that god will bless you & Matt with the child (or children) you were meant to be with! You will be an amazing momma and waiting for your child to come will make it all that more special and wonderful when it does happen <3 I'm definitely keeping you in my prayers!! And I'm putting out my fall decor this weekend so I'm giving permission for all to do the same lol 😉

  3. The adoption process is tough but I know the right child(ren) will come your way 🙂 I was hesitating on pulling out the Fall decorations but am tired of waiting! Tomorrow Fall will arrive at my house!

  4. First off, I think it is technically fall after Labor Day. So you are good to go with the Fall Décor. I was going to put mine out this weekend, but just ran out of time.

    Second, I am working on blessing my Matt as well. For me that means getting up early and helping him. Well, right now, it is just getting up early enough to eat breakfast with him before he leaves. I’m hoping to make it a bit earlier each week, so I can really help him out! Good job, girl!

  5. I admire your attitude and am thinking of you both during the wait. I love the blessing your husband idea, too! Sometimes I need to do a better job with my boyfriend since he is ALWAYS doing things for me.

  6. You have such a loving & caring personality. When the right child for you comes along, it WILL happen! 🙂

  7. I can’t even imagine what your hearts are going through during this time, but you have the absolute perfect attitude! God has an amazing plan for you! I always love the saying Joyce Meyer has – “God is never early and He’s rarely late – He’s always right on time.”

  8. I know the family that is meant to be yours will come your way. I am so glad there are people like you guys who are helping kids who really need it.

  9. You and Matt are in my thoughts during your adoption wait! I can’t wait to hear about when you get a little or little ones! I’m sorry this time didn’t work out, but there are so many other children out there that they will come your way soon! 🙂

  10. If we were having coffee ANY morning, I would hug you & let you know just how precious your heart is. I would probably be crying because I would also be overwhelmed at watching God’s plan of bringing us to a place of patient endurance. I would tell you that He is faithful to finish what He started! ❤ 😇

    1. Thank you Amia your words speak volumes!!!

  11. Remember that if those two little ones were meant to be with you, then they would be. The right ones for you and your hubby are coming. For now, be happy that those two little kiddos found a safe and healthy home for them.

  12. Praying for your disappointment, but grateful with you that those kids are in a safe, loving home even though it’s not yours. And yes, I wouldn’t be afraid to get the fall stuff out! If the pumpkin spice lattes are out it’s time!

  13. I really enjoy reading your coffee date posts Bobbi! I think it’s the perfect time to light the fall scented candles….mmmm apple cinnamon and pumpkin!

  14. I love it when you do coffee dates! You do a great job at making them feel personal! Thanks for sharing so much on adoption. That is something that God has put on mine and my husband’s hert for someday and so I am eagerly watching your journey and trying to learn everything I can, especially because I haven’t found any other bloggers who are adopting from the US (versus overseas). Also, the section on marriage…oh yes! I learned that in marriage counseling and used to ask my hubby that all the time. I need to get that habit back! God has been super convicting me on beig a more thoughtful wife too. Praying for you guys!
    Alesha <3

  15. The right little one(s) will come in time!

  16. Your Virtual Coffee Date posts are my favorite. You have such a wonderful heart and outlook on life. They are truly a reminder for me to sit back and think about all the great things I have happening in my life- I truly have a lot! Also you can’t beat the $5 Walmart candles! I busted out a Mulled Cider one this week. Heavenly!

  17. Praying for you and Matt during the adoption process! I remember my parents telling me the whole process it took to get my brother and I, and I know it has even gotten more difficult during the years! God will show you His plan in time! i know it! It may be hard now. I am going through the same kind of thing in having to trust Him and his timing. I love how positive and uplifting you are! I’d say you are a pretty awesome wife! 🙂

  18. I am so praying for you and Matt with your adoption process, I have so much love for you both for wanting and being able to help children who need love and weren’t lucky enough to have a family who can support them for whatever reason.

    From what I know from reading your blog I think any child would be lucky to be part of a family with you and Matt and I hope this happens very soon both for you two and the children who will form your future family.


  19. I will pray for you guys and your adoption process! Indeed–all in God’s timing 🙂
    That camping trip sounds fun and congrats on a great swim! I also love the idea of blessing your husband. Such a beautiful little way of strengthening a marriage!

  20. 🙁 Praying for you and Matt during your adoption process