If we were having coffee this morning, I would tell you that I am enjoying TEA instead.
I know… it’ killing me. The Summer Detox is going well. I love a good ‘reset’ after having a crazy past three months. All the traveling (which I loved) had me eating things that I don’t normally have. I am glad I am doing it, but boy do I miss my coffee. When I get off the detox, I will be bringing coffee back, but only one cup a day instead of three like I have been drinking!
If we were having coffee this morning, I would tell you that my internal alarm clock is set for 5:30am.
Saturdays is the only morning I can sleep in, but I am wide awake before 6:00am. I actually love getting up early and enjoying a lazy morning. I do my best thinking in the morning. Are you a morning person?
If we were having coffee this morning, I would tell you that every muscle in my body hurts in a good way.
These two-a-day workouts for the GPP Fitness RX+ Week are amazing. It is has been so fun to get a great workout in the morning and then grab a friend (or my hubby) to head to the park or even the local football stadium. Last night was the best. For our date night, hubby and I went to our local community basketball courts and had a little one-on-one game (of course Matt beat me). We are going to miss these summer nights and I love that we are soaking them up everyday!
If we were having coffee this morning, I would tell you how God has opened my eyes and my heart to our local community.
I feel now that I am home more, I get the chance to see my neighbors a lot more (most of them are retired or work from home). I realized that I have lived next to them for almost six years and I barely know their names. I want to be a neighbor that cares and gives. I don’t want to live in a bubble any more. I am taking my first step at getting to know them by making everyone homemade zucchini bread from our garden this weekend. Wish me luck as I go door-to-door and hopefully get a few smiles.
If we were having coffee this morning, I would tell you that we signed our very last document for our adoption and are now patiently waiting for a child to be placed in our home.
It’s like I peed on a stick and saw the plus sign! Our child can be anywhere from 0-2 years old so we are doing our best to be prepared. I am actually super excited about finishing up the last few touches to the nursery this weekend and showing you all.
12 responses to “{Virtual} Coffee Date”
The weather has been absolutely beautiful where I am, and we’ve been able to stay active outside too. It’s awesome! Glad things are going well in the last steps of the adoption process. So exciting!!
I have only lived in my house 6 months but I really want to have good relationships with my neighbors too!!!! Congratulations on being so close to having a child! I am SO excited for you both!!!!!
How exciting about the adoption!! Prayers sent your way that everything goes smoothly and quickly! (Well as quickly as possible as far as adoptions go.)
Really excited for you guys and the adoption. Praying all goes well. You will make wonderful parents!
babyyyyyyy i am so excited for you and your new addition! please please please keep me updated <3
congrats on all of the RX+ WOD's! I am so stinkin proud of you!
What a great idea to give some zucchini bread to your neighbors! I’m sure you’ll touch many people with that gesture and get a little more than a couple smiles.
Sending you guys lots of love and well wishes on the little addition to your home. Do they have a timeline as to how quickly they’ll place a little kiddo with you guys?
i love that you’re going to make zucchini bread for your neighbours, too
i think that’s so sweet <3
So excited for you guys on the adoption! We plan to start the process next year and I can’t wait! I would love to have your zucchini bread recipe. Taking that to neighbors sound likes an amazing idea!
Love these coffee dates! I’m so excited for you guys with the adoption process going well! I will be excitedly praying for you and watching for updates!
Alesha <3
What amazing things going on!! So happy for you!
If we were having tea I would tell you how much I have enjoyed the last 5 weeks with you (shred+extreme)…thank you for the inspiration!!
If we were having “tea” I would tell you what an inspiration you are to me!!
Wow I wish my internal alarm clock was 5:30! haha I would say mine is around 7:30-8:00 but I so wish my body would get up earlier naturally. Love your virtual coffee date posts!