Hey friends. I am kind of speechless today. Literally my voice is almost GONE! Not sure why, probably from screaming at my KB class on Monday and I have to do it again tonight!!
But I have lots of words to write
I thought it would be fun to bring up an interesting toping for discussion on the blog. Plus I love a place where I can just write about what is on my mind (hence why I write a blog). I know it’s not a recipe or a workout…but it’s ME!
What do you think it means to be truly "Healthy"?
I have been thinking about this a lot lately, because I have been feeling great internally with the Real Food Challenge (5 weeks and going strong), but there is so much more to being healthy then what your EATING.
To me being healthy is not just about what your eating or what exercises your doing, but it’s about balance. I know I have said this so many times, but it is so true. Being healthy is being balanced mentally, physically, spiritually.
How does one stay healthy?
Digging in God’s word.
Spending time with friends and family.
Other healthy living blogs for ideas how to keep healthy, but sometimes I get OVERWHELMED by all that is out there. Then I start comparing, which is BAD. I want to be ME, I want to be AUTHENTIC, and I want to TALK STRAIGHT.
I need to spend more time reading and praying. I love being still and I don’t get enough of it. I am feeling healthy these days, but there is some work to be done.
I think being healthy is a life journey and it can be a rough ride sometimes, but that’s what the adventure is all about!
Things are good. I’m feeling a bit rocky right now, but it’s just a speed bump. I’ve been doing a lot of journaling, reading, praying and lots of cardio of course I will get back to being 100% healthy, I just need time.
Healthy is for everyone.
Question: On a scale from 1-10 how healthy would you say you are these days?
24 responses to “To Be Healthy Or Not To be?”