This morning I emailed all the RFC paricipants REAL FOOD “Tricks and Tips” to help keep us motivated through this JOURNEY! I wanted to share these tips and tricks with all OF YOU too. Although you might not be doing the RFC, this is a healthy living blog so I am sure this information will be just as useful
Here are just a  few resources that have really helped me understnad and belive that it is possible to eat REAL FOOD, even with a busy schedule like me.Â
1. If you haven’t picked up one of Michael Pollan’s books on food, I would highly suggest it! I just finished “In Defense of Food”, and he really made me fall back in love with real foods and enjoying it for what it is and not for the nutrients,. Instead of food, we’re consuming “edible foodlike substances†— no longer the products of nature but of food science. Many of them come packaged with health claims that should be our first clue they are anything but healthy. He talks about how Western diet, food has been replaced by nutrients, and common sense by confusion. The result is what Michael Pollan calls the American paradox: The more we worry about nutrition, the less healthy we seem to become. I plan on doing a FULL REVIEW on the blog this weekend. (and watch out for a give-away!)
2.Rent the movie Food Inc. It really opened my eyes to the meat and dairy industry, I am not ready to become a Vegan, but it has changed my view on where I will be purchasing meat! They also have a great blog you can follow.
3.Join a co-op! You can buy super fresh, organic produce at wholesale prices!! Co-ops are a community of people who get together every week to pool their money in order to purchase organic produce in bulk at wholesale prices. We have a local one that is $23 a week. You can find a local farmers market or co-op at this great website
4. Blogs I have fallen in love with :Clean Green and Simple  , and 101 cook books.
5. Last tip for today…MAKE THESE!! I love Jenna’s blog! I am going to make them next week, Spinach and Feta Turkey Burgers!
Happy “Real” Eating Friends!!!
P.S. I would love to include some of your tips and tricks in the next Thurday edition to Real Food “Tips and Tricks” …please send your ideas my way
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