I can’t believe there is less then 10 days until my 30th birthday!!! Where did the time go??? I am trying to kick my workouts up just a bit, gotta look good for the big 3-0!!
This week was my “recovery” week from Insanity, so that’s why I have been trying out Cross-Fit with a friend. I have done three workouts now and they have all been extremely different. Tuesday by far was the hardest. My heart rate got up to 180 which never happens!!!
I love wearing my Polar watch for workouts, it helps me to push harder and encourages me to get in a good burn! On Tuesday we did a 17 minute workout that was only two different Moves:
—–>10 squat thrusts with 15 pound dumbbells (deep squats with an overhead shoulder press, thrusting your hips open)
—–> 15 box jumps
**Repeat for 17 minutes!
Talk about killer!! I burned almost 350 calories in just 17 minutes. It was awesome, but yesterday my legs were screaming at me.
Wednesday’s workout was even shorter, only about 12 minutes and we did:
100 assisted pull ups
100 pushups
100 full situps
100 deep squats
Needless to say my whole body hurts everywhere in a good way:) This week I also managed to get my last long run in before my half marathon on the 22nd and a 5 mile short run. I am taking today off and then on Friday I am going back to Cross-Fit. I am still not sold on Cross-Fit and probably will stick to my kickboxing and Insanity which I can do for free. I do think it’s a great workout, but I could do a lot of it from my own home gym. I do love learning the different moves and looking forward to learning some more!
I have also been really focusing on getting in more proteins and trying to stay away from extra sweets and snacking!! Check out my protein packed salads I have enjoyed this week:
Lots of chicken and avocado for this girl!!! I did make Tilapia tacos on Tuesday, but have mostly been enjoying my Crock pot salsa chicken over a beast of a salad!!
Tonight I shall venture out to a local ice-cream shop with friends, going to keep it to a taste!! I got a bikini with my name on it It’s all about balance friends!!
What’s a workout you have been dying to try out?
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