Taking Them Down

It took me a couple hours this morning to put together my 2010 Recap! It was so fun looking through the past year through pictures. One of the best perks of having a blog 😉


Back to the Green Monsters!!! 


With a side of ww toast and natural pb 🙂


I also warmed up with a almond milk misto.


Breakfast of champs!



I still have a whole container of Cedar Lane Vegetable and Barley Soup.So of course I enjoyed a bowl 🙂 I love this soup! 


I also had a couple baked lays and..


a fresh orange from our tree.


Warmed my heart


I love that it’s almost 2pm and I am still in my jammies 🙂 I am teaching KB tonight so I decided to relax this morning and just watch my last DVD of Friends Season 5.

I did manage to take all of our Christmas decorations down. I was sad to see them go, but happy to get rid of the clutter.

I also forgot to show you the ornaments Hubby and I made each other this year.  

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Goodbye Christmas decor 🙁


Today I am working on some fun new posts for you all. NHS will be back to normal this week, with plenty of healthy recipes, workout ideas, and a fun date night 🙂 Gotta get back to my goals!


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