Summer Mini Vacay Part I!

Hey friends, sorry I have been MIA for the weekend. It has been a fabulous and much needed time of rest!! Let me take you to the beginning….

Friday night the Hubby and I had a wonderful time at our, “Toast to the Summer” wine and appetizer party. When we first arrived, Melissa(the hostess) showed me some things they had done in their backyard! It looks so nice, oh how I wished we had a fireplace in our backyard:)

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I wore my new silk shawl I received from a student yesterday, isn’t it beautiful! I have never owned one of these, what a nice way to spruce up a pair of jeans and a t-shirt!

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The wine tasting was a lot of fun. We all brought 6 different wines. We tried to guess what they all were, and whatever wine was the most popular that person got a prize! The competitor side of me was all over this!

We started with the lightest wines and went to the darkest.

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Everyone was asked to bring an appetizer as well. Most of us brought crackers and cheese, go figure, but there were a few other treats as well,seven layer dip and spinach and artichoke dip.

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Let the tasting began! 

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It was a lot of fun trying to guess what type of wine we were tasting and some people were very detailed in their reviews(me being one of those people).

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My first plate of munchies( I took a couple pics of my plates but I know I grazed over the evening)…

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Our first wine was a sparkling red wine, which I guessed:)This was Hubby’s favorite from the get go!  

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I am not a big fan of sparkling wines, but this was pretty tasty! 

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My second plate of munchies….The seven layer dip was delicious, and I found out it was a low calorie recipe! I will get it soon and post it for you all!

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After 3 lighter wines we moved on to the reds, my favorite! 

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While trying the reds I had some yummy chicken sauté with peanut sauce!

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Here are the beautiful ladies at the party! These ladies are from our Thursday night group.

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The men

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Hubby is not a big fan of red wine so this picture is just for kicks!

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After our last red we all wrote down our favorites and Melissa and Revay tallied them all up!

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Then all six wines were reveled, and I had gotten 4 out of the 6 correct on what type of wine they were!!!

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The most popular wine was from South Coast Winery called Ruby Curve. It was delicious, if you like a sweet fruity wine this is for you! This would be the perfect wine for a summer bbq. 

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We got second place, we brought a bottle of Coppola’s Rosso, a Cabernet mix. It actually was my favorite even though I didn’t know it was ours! Thanks Andrea for recommending it! This wine is very rich in flavor but has little tanins and goes down very smooth. The best part is it was only $6 but tastes like a $20 bottle of wine!

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After all the tasting we all sat around and gabbed for a while. The ladies played  inside…

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and the men played outside.

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At this time I probably had about 3 glasses of wine and had switched to water. Then Melissa brought out GIRL SCOUT THIN MINTS!!! I was very proud of myself and only had 2! I did manage to steal a couple Bliss chocolates as well!

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Here is where the fun really began! Our friend Chris is a Police officer and brought his breathalyzer with him to the party, it’s always good to have around just in case and it was true entertainment. I have never had a breathalyzer test done before(thank GOD) so I was very interested to see how this whole thing worked.

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I did pretty good at following “police orders” following his finger and getting my breath checked. If you would have asked me if I felt ok to drive at this point, I would have said NO. Not because I was drunk or even tipsy but because I knew I had a couple glasses of wine and wouldn’t feel confident behind the wheal. When Chris gave me my reading I was SHOCKED! I was at 0.062, which is perfectly fine to be driving with! I still wouldn’t have driven but it sure was interesting.

After all the police work, Hubby and I had a little dance party of our own!

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I love this man!

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What a fabulous evening, thank you Melissa for hosting such a wonderful party and kicking off the summer right!

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Stay tuned for part II of our Mini Summer Vacay!


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