Spring Training / Hubby’s Birthday {Family}

Surprise Surprise! Well our staycation went about 5 hours EAST from home this weekend because RJ and I surprised Daddy for his birthday by taking him to Spring Training in Arizona! He is not as big of a Dodgers fan as I am but he loves baseball. We have gone every year for the past four years. We thought we were going to miss this year due to some scheduling conflicts…but little did he know that I had a whole trip planned out for us to go!


We headed out on Friday and got to spend time with my brother who lives in Chandler. On Saturday we hit up the Dodgers vs. Padres game and had such a wonderful time.


Of course I enjoyed my first hot dog and Blue Moon of the season! (The only time I eat hot dogs is at a baseball game and they are always all beef.) I swear they just taste better at a ball game!


It was so great taking RJ to her first baseball game! She was such a trooper. The weather ended up being in the low 80’s (unlike some years when I am wishing I had on a swim suit). Hubby was truly surprised and had no idea that we were taking him. I think having RJ with us this year was the best gift of all!


Yep, she has Dodger pride written all over her face!


I also got in a 13 mile run that morning with my wonderful friend Heather, who so graiously came with us (she loves the Dodgers) and helped with RJ! It was a really fun run because I got to run 8 miles with my brother, 3.5 miles with Matt, and 2 miles with Heather! The weather was nice and the trail couldn’t have been more perfect! I love running in Arizona, I almost feel like I can breathe better.


After we went on our run I loaded up on breakfast at a place called The Good Egg. I had egg whites, veggies, potatoes and salsa (not pictured). I knew we would have a pretty heavy day of eats so I stuck to a clean plate!


After the game we went to downtown Phoenix and tried out the Taco Guru. Honestly this place was not my favorite. They had a great atmosphere, wonderful margaritas, but the tacos and guacamole were nothing to rave about. I think I need to go back again, as it’s a new restaurant and is still working out some of the kinks. I just have had some pretty amazing tacos lately so I had high expectations.


Hello yummy pineapple margarita!


Sunday we said our farewells and hit the road to home. On the way home we stopped by the “Really Good” Beef Jerky store in Blythe to see what the fuss was all about. It was actually very good and now hubby wants to start making his own. He has been inspired!


Because I am crazy and all, as soon as we pulled into the driveway I took off for a 30 mile bike ride with my running buddy Susie to get my legs moving after sitting for 5 hours! We couldn’t believe how good it felt to get on our bikes again. So thankful for Daylight Savings Time and the ability to ride a bit later now.


At the end of our ride we swung by Hanger 24, a local brewery that was having live music and food. It was a little pre-St.Patty’s Day celebration!


We celebrated with a little Orange Wheat and then called it a night!


On Monday for Hubby’s actual birthday (yep he was born on St.Patty’s day) he wanted something at home and low key. After the busy weekend we had, that sounded perfect to me! I surprised him a little and had the back patio all decked out with party decorations and made delicious carne asada salads!

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RJ was the BEST decoration. Smile

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Really RJ? Could you be any more precious?!


We finished the evening with a little funfetti cake (Hubby’s fave) and watch some Jim Gaffagon on the patio with friends. ‘Twas the perfect birthday celebration!

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So blessed to celebrate another wonderful birthday with my best friend and soul mate! He truly is my better half and I am so glad God brought him into this world.

Oh and did I mention I am going back to AZ this FRIDAY? I know crazy, right?! Well this time it’s for a little fun girls’ getaway for a Westin Well-Being Event held at the Westin Phoenix Downtown! The event going to be Friday March 21st from 3-7pm. It’s completely free to the public and is going to be a lot of fun. If you are in the area, I would love to meet you! Here are all the deets!

Experience a Well-Being Celebration

Step into Spring with The Westin Phoenix Downtown’s Well-being event and experience how to
move well, eat well, play well, sleep well and feel well.
 Enjoy an assortment of FREE wellness activities in downtown Phoenix, hosted by The Westin Phoenix Downtown Hotel.

  • Outdoor 3-mile run and fitness session with Bobbi McCormick of NHerShoes
  • Relaxing and health boosting post-run chair massages
  • Delectable Superfoods samplings with nutritional advice from our hotel chef
  • Informational animal therapy booth
  • DJ entertainment and prize giveaways!


Friday, March 21st, 2014   |   3 – 7 p.m.   |   Free Event

Donations to Phoenix Children’s Hospital graciously accepted.

3 – 7 p.m. – Registration: enter to win raffle prizes
Complimentary Chair Massages
Live music, food and drinks

3:30 p.m. – Fitness Session begins

4:30 p.m. – 3 mile Run begins

Come anytime throughout the event and join the celebration for health, fitness and well-being!


RSVP and Inquiries: infowestinphoenixdowntown@westin.com


Questions: How did you celebrate St.Patty’s Day? Did you wear green?


4 responses to “Spring Training / Hubby’s Birthday {Family}”

  1. I love going to baseball games, and I LOVE eating a hot dog as soon as we arrive;) It looks like you had a wonderful trip. My husband is very difficult to shop for, so experiential presents are always the way to go in my house. What a great present idea, thanks for sharing!

  2. Have fun at your event!

  3. I can’t wait for our girls weekend!! And I hit up hangar on Saturday. It was a zoo!!

  4. Awww Happy Belated Birthday Matt! You were such a great wife to plan that without him knowing! Awesome job 🙂