Spring into Summer Throw Down

I know I am in the middle of the biggest challenge of my life The Real Food Challenge and I am finishing my 14 week kettle bell challenge

…but Summer is around the corner and I have some shaping up to do. I want to feel my best inside and out. So instead of taking on another challenge, I am going for a “Spring into Summer Throw Down”.

Not so much of a challenge, much more of some goal setting.

As Winter turns into Spring, and Spring turns into Summer, we go back outside and get to PLAY!I want to make sure I am taking full advantage of this weather 🙂

Getting in shape  for the summer season is going to be fun! I just love to get outside and workout instead of being stuck inside.


  • To wake up every morning by 6am.
  • To walk Bosco at least 3 times a week.
  • Commit to doing more core work. (work the abs)
  • Walk around more at work.
  • Drink at least 64 oz of water a day.
  • Ride my bike at least once a week.
  • Eat more salads and veggies.
  • Finish the RFC strong!!!!
  • Bootcamp class twice a week.
  • Hot Yoga once a week.
  • Run three times a week.
  • Kettlebells twice a week.
  • Go on hikes!

Desired Outcomes:

  • To look and feel great
  • To get outside more
  • To keep on track
  • To feel comfortable in my bathing suit 😉

Week of May 1

  • S: Run 10 miles
  • M: Hot Yoga +Kettle Bells
  • T: Run 5 miles + Bootcamp
  • W: Kettle Bells +Teach KB
  • T: Bootcamp
  • F: Run 6 miles
  • S: REST /fun bike ride

I made a fun google calendar to help me stay committed through the first day of summer, JUNE 21st! We ave 51 more days 🙂 Get your goals started today!

Set your own goals for your personal “Spring into Summer Throw Down”. Print them out and stick them where you are going to see them daily.

Question: Do you need a little Spring into Summer Throw Down in your life??


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