Happy Friday to you…Happy Friday to you…Happy Friday dear Readers..Happy Friday to you!
So even though I got a whole 5.5 hours of sleep I was still able to meet up with the RBS (run,bike,swim) 5:30 crew to run a lovely 6 speedy miles. Tempo run done and done!
I love how we all meet up at one of the runners houses (Sherri’s) after to have coffee and breakfast. This has really made me look forward to my FRIDAY runs so much more
I so need to make these home made power bars!!!
I also wore my SDRR shirt from last year. I can’t help but wish Meghann was here to run it with me again!! If you look closely we are both wearing our Gracie’s Gear sports bras
I have a fun give-away for you all. So stay tuned!!!
Question: Do you have a running group/running buddies???
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