Run Through Redlands 2012 {Recap}

Two years ago I did the Run Through Redlands 1/2 Marathon and WON! This year I didn’t win, but for an old women I didn’t do too bad Winking smile

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Ok, I didn’t win two years ago, but I came in as the first girl!! I was running fast then, as I was training for the Boston marathon. This weekend I ran the 1/2 with the mentality that I was just going to do it “for fun” and it turns out I still got some speed in these legs!!!

Sunday morning I woke up got in two pieces of Ezekiel bread and some almond butter, my favorite PRE-RACE fuel. The race didn’t start until 7:30am so I had some time to digest it.  I also put on my lucky skirt, grabbed my water bottle, threw on my new shirt and headed to the race. Isn’t this shirt super cute?! I finally got my logo for my personal training business!!! My friend Casey designed it, I will talk more on that later.


I met up with Susie in the parking lot and us YOUNG ladies were ready to take on this race!


We found our triplet Val and headed to the start line Smile


I was planning on running with the girls and then as soon as we took off my legs felt great, I blasted my music and asked them if it was ok if I took off. They said GO! So I did Smile


My wonderful husband was on camera duty and got some great shots!




If you remember what I said about this course the last past years, then you remember that it screams HILLS!!!! I love and hate this course, mostly love it! I am a hill runner, call me crazy. I love also that it’s in my home town so I run these hills and this course all the time.

After mile 9, it’s mostly down hill and flat. I knew the dreaded last two miles were coming, but I buckled down and told myself that I wouldn’t break down, I just wouldn’t! I was racing, I was flying, I was doing what I LOVE!


I saw the finish line dug deep (thanks to Shawn T) and sprinted like a mad women!


Oh did I mention that it was 90 degrees out?!!! I was soaked!!


Dripping head to toe I WAS DONE!!!!


The stats:


Check out mile 10!!! Can you tell it started to go down hill. I am actually surprised at all the 7 minute miles, I guess I still got it in me. Honestly I have been training at a 9 minute mile pace and haven’t done a lick of speed training. I give my Insanity and Kickboxing workouts so much credit for my ability to keep up my pace.

Here is the back of my shirt. My new slogan: Eat Clean. Sweat Often. Choose Joy.


It was so awesome seeing my personal training clients there doing the race as well. Heather is doing a full marathon next week and I can’t wait to hear how it goes!


My Mom came to cheer me on Smile


The ladies came in shortly after me, they rocked it under 2 hours.


Another one of my wonderful clients did the 5k and killed it! So proud of you Ashley!


I loved every bit of this race! I was about to head home and then….


I found out that I placed 5th girl over all (not bad) and 1st place in my age division!!! My new age division 30-34.


Finishing time: 1:43:03 !!!! AMAZING! Not bad for not training fast Winking smile

I think I might have gotten the running bug back!!! I need to sign up for something else quick before it leaves me. Any ideas?!!!