Happy Hump Day!
So many emotions go into this post. I am really hoping I can make it through it without getting choked up as this was the best I have ever felt running a marathon!
This wasn’t my first marathon (10th!) nor my fastest (4th)… but it was one of the best!!! (In case you are interested in checking out my other race recaps, click here.) This was my third Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon and as always they put on such an amazing event.
This year we had the wonderful privilege of taking part in the Westin VIP package!
- Complimentary pasta dinner for two the night before the race
- Expedited bib pickup and waiver processing at expo (THIS WAS HUGE!)
- RunWESTINâ„ Concierge-led warm-up run
- Grab-and-Go breakfast for two on race day
- Late checkout on race day
- And much more!
When we arrived to our room on Friday, we were greeted with all kinds of fun SWAG! A cute picture of us framed, almond butter, water bottles, Epson salt, Chobani in the fridge, a Lululemon head band and more! The staff at the Westin Phoenix Downtown were absolutely phenomenal. Honestly, we felt like we were right at home. I wish I took more photos of the room, it was so nice. We had a one bedroom suit that was super helpful with having a baby. They even had a baby Genie in the room for us!
After we got settled in, we made our way out the door for a PRE-PRE-Race dinner. Thanks to the lovely Lynn from the Actors Diet, we decided to try the Pizzeria Bianco. Adorable right?!
I was doing great sticking to 100% clean eats all week, but that night I decided to enjoy myself! I started with a wonderful glass of Cab.
The hubby and I decided to split one of their fresh pizzas (minus the cheese). RJ was drooling over it! It very was delish! Loved the CRUST and the freshness of the toppings; felt like I was in Italy.
We woke up on Saturday and decided to go out for a Family-Shake-Out run! Just a 2-mile run around downtown to stretch out our legs.
… Then it was on to the MASSIVE EXPO!
I think RJ had a ton of fun! I really hope that one day I will get to cheer her on at a marathon.
It was fun listening to bloggers Run EMZ and Pavement Runner on the main stage! They are so real and down-to-earth!
I got to chat with Emily after the interview and I am still amazed at her ability to run 100 miles on the treadmill!!! What an inspiration!
After the Expo, we went to the Arrogant Butcher for lunch. OH MY WORD YUM! I ordered the sweet carnitas on top of corncakes with an delicious fresh slaw. This place doesn’t disappoint.
After lunch, we met up with some high school friends and then got dressed for dinner. At this point, I honestly almost forgot I was going to be running a marathon in the morning!
We had dinner provided for us by the Westin Hotel. I enjoyed a yummy bowl of pasta and a fresh ceasar salad. It was simple and we ended up having to take it back to our room because RJ was ready for bed.
The race didn’t start until 7:50am so I could have stayed out later, but I was ready to hit the hay and just take my time in the morning. I told myself you are just going out for a long run.
Race Day:
This little bundle of JOY decided to get up at 5:30am which was the best alarm ever! She was so happy. I swear we are so blessed with the best sleeper and traveler EVER!
I got up and went downstairs to grab a full breakfast. I enjoyed a bowl of steel cut oats, almonds and raisins as well as toast with almond butter… and yes, coffee and water were consumed!
… Then it was time to get dressed!
My amazing business partner of Refresh Attire made me this awesome shirt to wear!
The best part about staying downtown was that I literally walked out our front door to the start line! I didn’t even leave out the door until 7:20am!
I was super worried about the late start. I didn’t want it to get too HOT out there on the course. I don’t hate the heat, but anything past 75 degrees isn’t fun for me to finish in. Thank goodness it was only about 48 degrees at the start and we had the best weather the entire race.
The Race:
5… 4… 3…. 2… 1… GO!
First 10k:
I saw the 3:45 pacer and I decided to stay right behind him and if I felt good I would move up. I wasn’t trying to run fast, just finish! I also made my mantra for the race “It’s about YOUR best possible!” Just like always I had to tell myself over and over not to run anyone’s pace, but just do the best that I could do. The first few miles were nice, perfect weather, fun bands, nice and flat…
Mile 1: 8:30
Mile 2: 8:29
Mile 3: 8:23
Mile 4: 8:29
Mile 5: 8:21
Mile 6: 8:25 // My heel started to hurt! It had done this a bit during training and it has done it in the past. It almost feels like a bone spur, but it’s not. I decided to recognized the pain and just move forward. I knew it would go numb and I would be able to ignore it, but it wouldn’t get worse (or so I hoped). Soon I was approaching the 10k mark.
As you can see… nothing but FLAT! I am not even sure we ever did hit a hill. I live in a very hilly place and I knew this was a pretty flat course, but man… they really meant FLAT!
To the Half:
Mile 7: 8:26
Mile 8: 8:25
Mile 9: 8:30 —> Supposedly a hill
Mile 10: 8:33 —> I took a Gu.
Mile 11: 8:35
Mile 12: 8:25
Mile 13: 8:32
The next 7 miles were nice. There wasn’t a whole lot of scenery, but there were spectators that were nice and there were lots of water stations (I carry water so I never have to stop). At mile 9 or 10 there is this “hillâ€. I could tell there was a little bit of a grade, but honestly I liked it! I liked the change and if were being really honest I really liked passing folks
Around this time I also decided to start praying. I wanted to pray for a lot of my friends that are going through some fertility, adoptions and so many other factors in their lives. Before I knew it I was approaching the halfway mark and I was getting texts like crazy from so many for my AMAZING friends encouraging me to stay strong and how proud of me they were! In my mind I am thinking how this is nothing… an Ironman is what I should be doing…lol…
Can I just say that people are hilarious! I loved all the fun signs and air high-fives!
After the Half:
Mile 14: 8:19
Mile 15: 8:23
Mile 16: 8:29
Mile 17: 8:23
Mile 18: 8:40
Once I finish the half marathon I always get so emotional, but this time I was really focusing on being present… living in that moment. My mind tends to start thinking about the finish line and what I will post about instead of really taking it all in. Well for the FIRST TIME EVER in my marathon career, I was in the moment. My body felt amazing. My heel pain was there, but it was easy to ignore and for the first time I was running with my whole body not just my legs. I kept telling myself (yes, I talked to myself the whole race)… “if your legs are tired run with your arms if your arms are tired run with your heart.”
The one part of the course that I thought I wasn’t going to be a fan of is when you see runner running toward you (Mile 14 for you and Mile 19 for them) and you know you are going to have to run back. It ended up not being as bad as I thought it would because I believe there was nice gradual down hill on the way back.
At mile 17, I got a fun text from my best friend D telling me that I was going to hit a wall any time now and pass that wall and to run to my darling daughter and hubby at the finish. The crazy thing is that I was nowhere NEAR hitting a wall!
Mile 19: 8:36 —> Gu #2
Mile 20: 8:35
Mile 21: 8:17 —> Saw my family!
Mile 22: 8:20
Mile 23: 8:44 —> Hill
At Mile 19, I took my Gu #2. I knew my family would be at Mile 21 so I had something to look forward to very soon. It was like I was running toward them at the airport after being away for YEARS! I honestly wanted to pick up RJ and squeeze her. I gave hubby a kiss and said see you at the finish!
Right after I left them, I saw this sign and nearly lost it!
I couldn’t have said it any other way! I was so grateful to be able to run… for my health and for all the things that have happened this past year in my life. I deserved none of it and yet have been given more than I could have ever imagined! I WAS GRATEFUL!
Talk about second wind! At this point I looked down at my watch and saw that I had 3 miles left. 3 miles? 3 miles? 3 miles?! That’s only 12 laps around the track! I was flying at this point and I was breathing it all in. At Mile 23, I saw the only REAL hill the entire course and because I was feeling so good… it didn’t even phase me! Ok, I did say, “Really a hill at the end, that’s funny!â€
Mile 24: 8:22
As soon as my watch hit Mile 24, this was it! This was my chance to sprint if I wanted to, if I had it in me. Oh and did I ever! I have NEVER in all my races, felt more strong than I did those last two miles. I couldn’t believe my body wasn’t sore, wasn’t giving up, wasn’t saying “what the heck are you doing,†but instead was saying “Bobbi you are only doing this race once… so FINISH and FINISH wellâ€.
Mile 25: 8:09
My watch hit Mile 25 and that was it… I WAS going for it! I turned off my music and listened to the crowd as I came in BOOKING it that last mile. I didn’t know how fast I was really going. For all I knew I was running a 10 minute mile, but I knew I felt amazing and I wasn’t going to slow down.
Mile 26: 7:13 —> Really?
That last .2 of a mile I felt so light and so free… I felt like I could have kept going! Something I have never felt before after any race! I felt like a ‘real’ runner!
Official Time: 3:41:57
#10 BABY!
I couldn’t believe I was done! I couldn’t wait to squeeze the cutest spectator EVER! She was even sporting her Bobbi McCormick onsie from Megan. What a rush of emotion!!!
We had an amazing brunch with my Grandparents (margs and chilaquiles were consumed) and then headed to the Westin. Back at the hotel, Chris the runWestin Concierge left me an awesome card of encouragement and some fun post race goodies!
I soaked in the awesome tub and of course put my finisher shirt on as well as my compression socks and new Lulu headband!
What an amazing race! I can honestly say that it was for sure the best I have EVER felt in a race and I only trained 6 weeks! I guess for me it’s the “Run Less, Run Fast” method of training for me!
I leave you with some fun race photos…
25 responses to “Rock ‘n’ Roll Arizona: Marathon Recap”
Congrats! This recap was very inspiring. Makes me PUMPED to train for another race.
Hey that’s me with the “Run Bitch” sign! I like it when people insult me when I’m running (seriously!) so I thought I’d pay it forward to other racers who are of the same mindset. Congrats on a great race!
I’ve never seen anyone smile so wonderfully in their marathon photos. Love it! Great recap. Great job Bobbi!
Congratulations on a GREAT race! You are so inspiring!
Congratulations!! love that recap, it makes me want to run another one now!
I went to read your other recaps, is there one missing? there’s only 8 in the races section.
What a great recap! having “cheerleaders” along the cours is always suck a boost!
I just love your enthusiasm! Congrats on finishing your tenth marathon
Oops. Meant to comment on this post instead! I’m craving pizza now. I’d drive all the way to Phoenix for more!
thanks for the recommendation friend!!!
This is so awesome and so beautiful! Thanks for capturing a bit of it for us
Congrats on a great race!!!!!!!!! Your recap made me want to run a marathon!!
Congrats! THe Rock&Roll AZ was my first full last year. I ran a 3:41:15- so good time:) It seemed like I waited and waited to finally see the stadium. The mountain the last few miles is such a tease. Congrats again!
Great recap! I love reading others’ race stories and that was a good one! QUESTION: did you run holding your phone (or sticking it in your bra strap) the entire time? Or did you have a belt under your tank? Where was your music? I’m always interested in how other runners set themselves up. I always feel like I have a million things going on.
I completely LOVED reading this recap. I haven’t experienced it often, but when you get this “this is easy” feeling while running it is the most awesome thing – congratulations!
This made me cry all over again!! I love you and Ryles. Also, I was laughing that morning because I was trying to space out my texts so they didn’t go at exactly the same time — I was pacing myself too! lol
Congratulations on such an awesome marathon, girl!! Way to go!
I don’t think I have ever smiled that much during a marathon. You did awesome! I really hope I am as fast as you one of these days
Congrats on an amazing race! Reading your recap literally gave me chills. I can’t wait until I’m injury free and able to run another marathon. It’s the hardest, yet most humbling experience ever.
you ROCK love! i am so proud of you xoxoxoxo you bring so much joy into my life
You look so fantastically happy!!! And cute! Almost as cute as your little girl.
We’ve never even met, but I’m so happy for you, lol — congrats!
You look so happy in each race photo! Congratulations on another fabulous marathon!
Awww what a great story!! Honestly I was tearing up as I was reading your post.
What a feeling that must have been …Congrats!!
You’re an amazing women….And that sweet RJ.. Oh my what a doll!!
What an inspiration! Congratulations on no. 10. How do you take such great race photos? Seriously? And RJ makes the cutest little faces. I can’t take it
You look so happy throughout the race, which is the sign of a FUN race and with an amazing time too. Congratulations on #10!!
i seriously always think you are the most photogenic in race photos !