This weekend went by way to fast!!! With a pedicure, dinner party, bike rides, and last nights 4th of July pool party I was one exhausted girl this morning!
The Mead’s had a pretty rockin food display!
ooo la la
This was a quinoa salad made by my friend Melissa, she must give me the recipe!
I brought my own Mushroom Veggie Burgers and had a little bit of everything on the side.
The Hostess with the Mosteses (another Prego Friend).
Aren’t they pretty?
I should have never sat at the chip table!!
This by far is my favorite dip in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD! Joe needs to give me the recipe!
I had a good share of the Guac
I enjoyed one adult beverage
Fun in the pool
After we played for hours in the pool, we headed out on foot to the University to watch some fireworks.
When we got there I just had to have one of my favorite things from the ice-cream man. It has real pieces of coconut in it!!!
Bosco was dressed for the occasion thanks to Mel.
We’re kind of a big deal.
Oh Red
This was my first time trying this wine and I loved it! It was so smooth and had some hints of peppermint in it. I have to find out where I can get it!
Our American Family
The fireworks were so so…I miss being able to do them ourselves
Even though we got home late last night I managed to get up early and go out with some friends for a 7 mile run. It felt great to get out and pound the pavement. This week I will slowly start incorporate more running for my Chicago marathon training. I can’t believe it’s in less them 100 days!!!
I am off to teach KB.
Question: What is your favorite thing about the fourth of July??
I LOVE the food and friends:)
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