Over the years I have learned that there is a HUGE difference between running and racing!
When I sign up for a race I usually have made my mind up if I am going to "run" it or "race" it.
Don’t get me wrong I will be smiling no matter what When I go out to "race" I carry water and my fuel, because even those few minutes stopping at water stop in my mind are important. I also make sure to have SUPER FAST paced music and don’t really run with anyone.
I make sure my time chip is nice and secure. Well sometimes
When I am "racing" I am PUSHING! I always try to make sure I am not stuck in someone else’s pace. It’s easy to mimic the runner in front of you and then get stuck in a much slower pace. This is why my Garmin is so important when I am "racing". I have to run my RACE!
When I am "racing" I take the start a lot more serious! I wake up extra early, I take my pre-race meal serious, and I get a ton of sleep the night before.
And I always seem to feel like the biggest klutz at the end! The LACTIC acid goes straight to my brain! There is always tears too
I have learned that even in those last few miles every step counts!!! (almost missed Boston by a minute). I have to stay mentally strong! I mentally yell at myself and keep telling myself how strong I am.
And I am ALWAYS sprinting to the end!!
When I am "running" a race I am having a LOT more fun!!!!
I am chilling to the chill music and not worrying about my time.
I am running with some of my favorite people!
I am not KILLING myself at the end!
I am having fun with the spectators!
I have been know to text while I am "running"
and sometimes even though I go out just to "run" a race, I surprise myself!
It might seem like I hate "racing", but I DON’T!!! I love the thrill..it’s always worth the pain in the end!
I am really happy with my PR’s and I have no plans to break them!
5K – 19:36
10K – 41:49
15K – 1:09:07
Half Mar. – 1:37:19
Marathon – 3:24:00
It’s always about your BEST POSSIBLE not someone else’s
Question: Do you like to "race" or "run" races?
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