Morning friends!
This week is going to be a crazy one! At work we are moving over to a new software so I AM SUPER CRAZY BUSY!! On top of my day job, I also have my last week of cross country. We have a meet today and then our last one of Friday. Hubby and I are also working on my BLOG MAKEOVER, I am moving to wordpress! So my blogging may be a little sporadic!
I got to work at 6:45am this morning so I made a bowl of Pumpkin Oats To-Go!
Thanks for everyone who emailed me about the POTM challenge, I have all of your emails saved and I will send you all the Google Doc this evening. If you haven’t signed up please send me an email ( it’s not too late! Last day to sign up is Friday October 30th.
Caitlin and I are stoked that so many people are joining!! I can’t wait to see how everyone does, and I also can’t wait to see all the Operation Beautiful notes spread all around!!!!
Well friends gotta get to work
I leave you with this quote…
Happiness is the soundtrack of my life. ~Grey Livingston
Question: If you had a soundtrack of your life what would it be?
8 responses to “Pumpkin Oats To-Go”