Hey Friends!
Sorry for the lack of posting. I took a little break to get some things done around the house
One of my goals this year is to get rid of stuff I don’t need. First place to start is my closet!!!
I have a whole pile of clothes to give away!!
I also cleaned the whole house today, mopped, swept, dusted, scrubbed the baseboards, vacuumed and more!
This weekend I also got in a four mile easy run and did Day 4 of my 12 week challenge
And I also got in an awesome kickboxing class this morning.
Saturday night was CHEAT night so the hub’s and I enjoyed dinner with friends at our favorite burger joint, Eureka Burger. I ordered my usual Fig Marmalade Burger and sweet potato fries.
…along with an Orange Wheat.
After our delicious dinner, we went and saw Sherlock Homes 2… loved it. It was as entertaining as the first and loved Jude Law
The highlight meal of my weekend was the Mahi-Mahi bowl I got at Waba Grill (I had a gift card). It also had steamed veggies and avocado. Wish it wasn’t so expensive!!
Time to climb into bed with my new read and a cup of hot tea
See you all tomorrow!!!
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