Happy Friday Friends!!!
It’s that time again Time to “Pile on the Miles”. I have been doing this challenge since 2008 and this year Monica from Run Eat Repeat is organizing it. I am fully supporting it and hope you are all in for the challenge too!! The holidays get so busy and this is the perfect time of year to get out and run out stress and those extra little sweets we all enjoy.
The Goal of the “Pile on the Miles†Challenge is to encourage us to pile on miles instead of pounds in November. We’ll do this by having everyone keep track of the number of miles they walk OR run each week. If you do at least 5 miles each week you’ll be entered in a drawing every Friday of the challenge. I will announce the winners every Friday by 3pm PST.
Prizes include:
Nov. 4th – A week’s worth of Stoneyfield yogurt (3 winners)
Nov. 11th – $10.00 Subway Gift Card (3 winners)
Nov. 18th – Peas and Thank You Recipe book
Nov. 25th – Fila Toning Outfit
(There may be more prizes added as I’m still speaking with sponsors!)
To Enter: Send Monica an email with your first and last name AND email address to runeatrepeat @ gmail dot com. She will add you to the spreadsheet and you will be in charge of updating it each week with your mileage.
Official Rules:
1. Contest runs from November 1st to November 24th (Thanksgiving). You keep track of how many miles you run or walk.
2. Update the spreadsheet with your mileage by Friday 8am PST each of the following days: Nov. 4th, Nov. 11th, Nov. 18th and Nov. 25th. Be honest, karma’s a B.
3. To qualify for the weekly prize you must walk or run 5 miles for that week. If you do not do 5 miles a certain week you can try again the following week, you are not disqualified.
4. This is open to everyone – readers, bloggers, dogs, aliens. It doesn’t matter where you live, but the prizes are set so if you don’t have a Subway where you live you might want to donate it to another participant.
5. The miles are based on walking, running or wheel-chairing only.
**There is NO Grand Prize Winner for the most miles this year. I don’t want this to be about a competition with each other. Set your own mileage goal for the challenge, but you don’t have to worry about what others are doing. Do YOUR OWN BEST.
I am so excited for this challenge, who’s in????
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