Operation Hydrate

With only 3 days before my marathon I am on a mission to HYDRATE! I feel like I haven’t been drinking enough water and that could be a major problem. So for the next three days I will be drinking at least 10-12 glasses of water, no excuses!!

There is a lot I have to get done between now and the time I leave tomorrow for Chicago and believe me I am making use of EVERY MINUTE.


8-4:30 work /while at work make a packing list and read for tonight’s GAP group

5pm- head over to Micheals to get iron on letters

5:30-6:30 tasting for dinner at reunion

6:30- blend up soup that I have prepared in Crockpot

7-9 Thursday night Group

9-10:30 Work on all final details for reunion before I leave/iron on letters to jersey


5:30-6:30 FUN RUN

7-quick breakfast and chat

7:15-swing by Walgreens for packing essentials


10:30- Head to the airport

11:45- OFF TO CHI TOWN!!!


Cranberry Oats with Pumpkin Seeds 🙂


Whipped banana oats and topped with some mega munch, sliced almonds, pumpkin seeds, and fresh cranberry sauce!


A Fall themed breakfast 🙂


Tonight I am bringing soup to group. Not just any soup, butternut squash soup, all made in the crock pot. Can’t wait to see how it turns out 🙂


Off to work!

Question: What is your favorite soup to make in the Crock Pot??