Pooped Pooped and Pooped!!! I am beat! I am going to leave you with two things:
December 1: I took a scenic route to work, it was beautiful and neat to see new things!
December 2: Crawled into a tiny princess tent full of stuffed animals, it was cozy and made me want to be 7 again!!! lol..I never had a pink tent when I was 7 shoot or 8 or 9 …..!
December 3: My friend gave me a Rod Stewart CD I listened to it, and I LOVED IT! My first Rod Stewart experience, I have been missing out!
December 4: I let two of my students drink out of my cup yesterday!!!! I am a stickler about letting people drink out of my cup I kinda have a big issue about it, but I was going to let it go in honor of trying something new (lets hope I don’t get sick). A first for me!
December 5: Well there were a lot first today, making a new meal, and drinks.
December 6: I had a subway breakfast sandwich, and it was GOOD!
December 7: Hubby and I rode our bikes to a a fun new restaurant (new to us), WE LOVED IT! We can’t believe we have never been there.
December 8: I tried some burpees in my AKB class tonight for the first time, check out the video of me practicing on Friday night (this was after I had already done a million with the bro I was a little tired). Most of the class loved them, but I did get some ugly looks…lol..
I didn’t run my 15k because I was a little under the weather this morning, and so was the weather!
But I did do 25 minutes of abs, stretching, and pushups=1 point
1hour 15 minute AKB class=5 points
Total points for today= 6 points! good start
tomorrow I am running 9.3 miles that’s 9 points + weights 1 point + AKB one hour 15 minute 5 points= 15 is the GOAL!
Goodnight friends, I am pooped and And, if you would like to win a free blender, head to Jenn’s site and enter her Vita Mix Super 520 giveaway.
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