That’s what lunch was, but it was one big yummy mess!
Leftover chili last night tasted even better today!
Best part of lunch was having it with Mr. McCormick! He normally works from home
on Friday’s, but today he had a few meetings to go to so he was at work
When I got back to my desk I forgot that I had a kiwi that I never ate!
The perfect dessert!
Side Note:
I just found a fun link that will help me with some fun new lunch ideas check it out!
Sunset: 26 Ways to Make a Better Sandwich
Tonight Hubby and I are going to a Wii Fit party at the Nadalet’s house! Megan got a new game for everyone to play and they are going to have all kind of healthy snacks, sounds like my kind of party! I am bringing the Healthiest Cookies EVER!
See ya later!
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