December 8th AKB 1:15 -5 points
December 9th run 7.45 1:02:14 -7.5 points
December 9th situps and stretching 20 minutes- 1 points
December 9th AKB class 1hour -4 pointsTOTAL POINTS as of today: 18.5
The running part of my morning included a 7.45 mile run!!! I was up and energized this morning, and considering how tired I was last night (and that I had a dopio espresso before class) I don’t know how I got up to EARLY, but I did! I thought I would try an old highschool cross country route this morning, it’s funny too me that this 8 mile course was our LONG run. I was at the top of the hill so I did the course backward, BIG MISTAKE! Thank GOD I had my heed and gels, otherwise I would have died out there! The first 4 miles were all DOWN hill, and you know what that means that on the way back I had to run up hill. I thought it was just a GRADUALE down hill but I was wrong, it was STEEP. Man I stopped looking at my pace, not to get discouraged and trudged up those hills. The last half mile was down hill so I sprinted in and finished hard. I don’t think I have breathed that hard on a run in a LONG time.
Distance: 7.45 miles
Time: 1:02
Pace: 8:46 ( I was proud considering half the run was HILLS)
Calories: 975
50 straight crunches
50 one leg crunches on each side
50 toe touch crunches (laying on back legs up touching side to side)
50 bicycles
25 lower ab leg lifts
2 minute plank moves
After that killer run, I made the best bowl of pumpkin oats!!!
The combo:
½ c of oats
½ c soy milk
½ c H2O
¼ c of pumpkin
½ banana
Pinch of pumpkin spice
1/8 banana PROBAR
Handful of flax seed
Handful of Almonds
2 tablespoons mini chocolate chips
Sprinkle of brown sugar
To encourage you all this season, I am throwing out some mini boot camp tips. If you don’t know this already I teach AKB (Aerobic Kickboxing) and I consider myself a motivator in the gym and at home! I am going to post some videos these next few weeks to show you some moves you can do at home, that take so little time but get you ready for the NEW YEAR. I want you all to look and feel your best for 2009, it’s your time to SHINE!
This move is real simple. You just need to put your feet under a couch and come up and do four quick air punches side to side. If you have someone to do this with have them hold a pillow in front of you s you can punch it! Do this for 2 minutes and you will feel the burn!
What I want for Christmas is to be able to do the inaugural Kaua’i Marathon!!! I absolutely love Kauai, hubby and I went there on our honey moon, and we found our second home away from home. I would love to save up for this marathon, it’s my next marathon goal after the Boston Marathon. Anyone want to go with me????!!!!
Well I did it I registered for my first college class since 2006! I am on a journey to become a Registered Dietician ( and RD). I am so excited about starting in January!!! I will be taking 3 prerequisites in the next 6 months, before I start my Masters in Dietics. So these next months are going to be a true test to see if I am ready to be back at school. I am taking one class at a time, which I NEVER did in college, I always had 20 units and worked 2 jobs! I know that Anatomy and Physiology will be tough, but it’s only 2 days a week, so I think and hope I can handle it. The class is Friday morning 8am-11am and Saturday mornings 8am-11am (no more sleeping in on weekends). I can’t wait to start; I know this is what I need to be doing to get to where I want to be!
December 9: I ate a GUAVA!!! I have never had one of these and a co-worker brought them in, of course I had to try them, VERY good but A LOT off seeds.
The judges are still working at it stay tuned, promise to post the winner tomorrow.
Well hubby did a great job of designing Christmas Cards! I am so glad we went with Bosco on them, it is so cute. I am going to finish stuffing them and putting them in the mail tomorrow (only 3 days later then I wanted to get them out).
When I got home tonight I made a yummy whole wheat butternut squash qusedilla. I mixed butternut squash puree with s little Colby cheese, black beans, and spread on top of a quesadilla with a little sour cream of course. Then on the side I had a cranberry feta salad. It was the perfect amount of carbs, protein and fats!!!
Then I saw that I got a package from the lovely folks at LARABAR (thankyou!), it included a ton of LARABARS of course and a cute T-shirt ( I be wearing this to work tomorrow!). Along with my new Runners World Magazine I can’t wait to read!

Well I did my AKB tonight and I was pretty exhausted, I am taking tomorrow off and doing some yoga in the AM. I KNOW my body needs it! I am teaching AKB in the evening so I need to be refreshed. RANDOM THOUGHT: I want to do a half marathon in January I have decided, I think it will be a great way to start the NEW YEAR, and kick off my Boston training, anyone know of any good ones close to SO CAL? Ok I am going to head to bed and watch a little TV and stuff envelopes. Hope you all had a TERRIFIC TUESDAY!!!!
P.S. Don’t forget to leave a comment for the PROBAR contest!!!!
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