Today I have been cleaning and enjoying my last Saturday of vacation. We went to bed at almost 2am last night , we watched Saving Private Ryan and put away Christmas:( I woke up late and decided to take a day off of the gym, we are going to a dog park later where I am sure I will get plenty of exercise. I decided to make some whole wheat pumpkin and cranberry French toast.
The Combo:
- 2 pieces of whole wheat bread
- 1 egg and 1 egg white
- 2 tablespoons pumpkin puree
- a little pumpkin spice
- and a half a handful of dried cranberries
- topped with cranberry apple butter, agave nectar, and powdered sugar
enjoyed with an orange from our tree, and a shot of espresso.
After breakfast I got right to cleaning, bathroom, kitchen, living room, and dining room while watching Spanglish. I then decided to make a soup and salad type of lunch. I bought this soup at TJ’s Yesterday, Sweet Potato Bisque. Not as good as I was anticipated but with pita chips it did ok.
A Cranberry Walnut Salad, mixed greens, cashews walnuts, carrots, and white balsamic vinegar.
The Soup
Natural Pita Chips
The perfect Saturday Lunch.
and a mimosa mock tail, Oj with some sparking natural soda.
I am now watching Elizabeth Town, Funny and Cute movie! The clouds are making it feel so gloomy, but I am hoping they will blow over for our doggy birthday party. We plan on going out to dinner with some friends tonight, I miss making dinner at home. We will get back to eating more home cooked meals starting next week. I did make quite a healthful and cheap meal last night.
Fried Brown Rice with Mushrooms from Tj’s
Balsamic Grilled Veggies
Steak Tofu’
All mixed together
Will be making this again soon. I am trying to slowly kick out meat, it’s been pretty easy so far.
I know I should have posted this a while back but better late then never
Step In Her Shoes through 2008!
Bought our First House!
Went on Our Second Cruise to Calico Mexico
Celebrated Nephews 1st birthday
Celebrated Hubby’s 28th birthday at an Irish Hoedown!
Had a weekend Get-Away to Napa CA
Celebrated my 26th birthday at an Angels game and the beach!
Best Friends Got Married
Joined a group of moms to run with!
Ran the 10k Run Through Redlands
College roomy T came to visit us in California.
June 18th Started this blog.
June 21st Ran my first 8k
June 22nd Did my first Sprint Tri
Annual Family Camping Trip
Celebrated our One Year Anniversary in Kona, Hawaii
Ran my 1st half marathon, Fontanas Days Race
Labor Day AZ Vs. St.Louis B-Ball game day Trip
REVHS Homecoming Game
Brother Jeremiah got baptized
First Ice Bath
Ran the St.George Marathon, 3:24 Qualified for Boston!
Halloween Party
Second Sprint Tri, Redlands Bull Dog Inaugural Triathlon
Cut my hair off!
Thanksgiving in Memphis
Ran my fastest 10k at the Mission Inn
Skirt Chaser 5k with running buddy
Holiday Scrapbooking
Ugly Sweater Party
Dad’s Birthday Dinner
New Years Eve
Hope you all enjoyed the photo recap, I look forward to many more years of fun, friends, family, and growing old with my HUBBY!
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