Monday Meal Plan: Week #2

Hey friends, just a little FYI remember that if you leave questions in the comment section that is where I will reply 🙂 If I haven’t replied to your sorry, please email me.

Did anyone watch "The Next Best Restaurant" last night, I DID! Loved it! So my dream. I think I would call it…REAL Food for REAL People.


The Mix

  • 1/3 cup oats, fresh almond milk, water
  • Pinch salt 
  • 1 tbsp chia seeds
  • 1 tsp flax seed
  • 1 tsp vanilla, stirred in at end
  • 1 spoonful Organic peanut butter
  • 1 nuked apple chopped (in the microwave with some water and cinnamon for 1 min)
  • handful of fresh raisins


some FP with a little (2tbsp) of Organic Stony Field Creamer.




monday meal plan

Friends we are entering week 2 of the RFC!!! Last week was a success I all owe to preparation and discipline 🙂

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Hubby is off skiing today (JEALOUS WIFE HERE!), but he wrote a great post recapping his thoughts on the RFC thus far..stay tuned at lunch!!! 

Well gotta get busy in the kitchen, slow cooker chili for tonight!! I am working today (covering for a co-worker) so I am taking tomorrow off. Good thing I love my JOB :) 

Question: If you could open your own chain of restaurants, what would you call them?


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