Monday’s Monster

This morning I woke up ready to drink something cold and refreshing! It was already 80 degree’s in the house! I have never wanted a Green Monster more!

In my GM: 2 pieces of Kale,Amazing Grass,blueberries,flax seed,silk milk,coconut milk, and a little guava.

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I also had two small pieces of the Zucchini bread I baked yesterday.

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I love how you can see the zucchini baked right in there.

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Today I am starting my Jillian Michaels Challenge, “Making the Cut”. I have decided to modify it just a little bit according to my schedule. I have AKB tonight so I will incorporate a lot of her workout. I am excited about something new and challenging. I will miss running, but I will still run at least twice a week!  I think that in order to live passionately one should be challenged in some aspect of life.

What is something that you are doing in your life that is challenging you?

I am also adding something new to my blog, it’s called Hubby’s Random Facts!!

Here is Hubby’s Random Fact for the day: Approximately $25 million is spent each year on lap dances in Las Vegas.

P.S. Will be posting the Amazing Grass Giveaway winner later today!


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