Tonight’s adventures were exhausting! Between kickboxing and helping a friend out I was ready for some GOOD EATS and REST! Hubby bought some Filet Minion on sale at the market awhile back and tonight he decided to make it, love it when he cooks!
I of course made some veggies, Brussels Sprouts, Zucchini, and Squash!
Edited to Add: To cook the veggies I tossed them in EVOO, Salt, and Pepper. Then I baked them at 500 degrees for 15 minutes.
I also made Rosemary Red Potatoes and had a little cottage cheese on the side.
Edited to Add: I also through the Red Potatoes in EVOO, Salt, Pepper, and Rosemary and baked at 500 for 20 minutes.
My small piece of Filet looked like a heart, ironic?
Of course I had a Skinny Cow for Desert!
Now it’s time to watch some SUV + Google Reader
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