McCormick Bakery

Don’t you like the ring of that 😉 ?

Well we might not be opening a bakery anytime soon, but we will be making our own bread! We saw a bread maker on sale at Khols and we decided to pick it up last night.


We have always wanted a bread maker and now is better then ever!


I love the sleek look of it and it fits perfectly next to my favorite appliance 🙂


Check this out it even makes, cakes, chutney, jams, and dough of course.


Can’t wait to use it when we get back!!!


This morning I woke up early and took off to they gym to start week 6 of kettlebellls! It was a tough one, because I went up in weight and reps! I am feeling a lot stronger!


Today I used the last of our cereal 🙁


A little of each topped with fresh strawberries.


So this Vegas trip we are going on (it’s only 3 hours away) is my gift to Hubby for Valentines day. I purchased some really awesome tickets on TravelZoo for the Sinatra Show called Come Dance With Me! We both love some Frankie and the tickets were a steal!!!

Click Image for more information:


My parents are coming with us, so it should be a blast!

Well got get showered and packed, car takes off in one hour!!!

See you all in Vegas 😉


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