Happy ALMOST Friday Friends!!!!
So I am back at the gym and have started Making the Cut by Jillian Michaels
I did this book about a year and a half ago and loved it. It’s only 30 days and it’s five days a week with two full days of rest. Each day has about five different circuits that you do twice with cardio in between.
I started on Monday and will finish November 3rd. I will still try to run at least once a week and do yoga once. My arms and legs feel like jelly!!!
I am learning new moves for my boot-camp classes and it is motivating me to stay in shape!
I am not following the eating plan to the T… just trying to eat clean and add in more protein. Haven’t been doing very well because we have had three parties already this week and have another one on Sunday! My dinners have been filled with pizza, beer, chocolate, mashes potatoes and butter!!!
I am enjoying every minute of all the celebrations, but I also know that if I really want to see any real results, I need to get back on track Back to Real Food!!!
P.S. Is anyone else enjoying the Fall weather???!!
One response to “Making the Cut”
The truth just shines thgrouh your post