Happy WEEKEND friends! Hope your Saturday has kicked off to a good start. I thought it was about time I filled you in on what this whole LiveFit Trainer Program stuff I got myself into
Ok so here is the deal. I love having a plan to follow, because it keeps me motivated to finish something. Hence the reason I have run over a dozen half marathons, half-ironman, and 8 marathons. Right now I am not focusing on running as much, because to tell you the truth I got kind of burnt out. I know I will be back at it soon (like next month), but for now I wanted something new.
I did the Making the Cut book by Jillian Michael’s and loved it, I so recommend it but it was only for 30 days and I wanted something a little more challenging and longer. So when I heard about Jamie Eason’s LiveFit Trainer and that it was FREE I had to jump on it!
The LiveFit trainer is a 12 week exercise, nutrition, and supplementation program available on bodybuilding.com. the program is designed to transform your body and who doesn’t want that?
The program has three phases, each phase being four weeks long. the best part about the program? it’s FREE. totally, completely, 100% free.
Here is what bodybuilding.com says about it:
The LiveFit trainer is a simple 3-phase program for transforming your body and your life in 12 short weeks. Jamie’s science-based approach combines exercise, nutrition (you have to try her recipes!), and supplementation. Better yet, this isn’t a onetime transformation program, it’s one that Jamie uses herself to maintain the amazing physique she’s had for years.
Jamie knows what she’s talking about and she has been in the business of lifting for over 7 years. The program is laid out super easy for anyone to follow. Each day you can print out the workout, or like me you can take your phone with you and look them up.
Here is an example of a week:
When you click on the day it lists out all the workouts you will be doing for that day. Like the ones shown on the left side of the following pictures.
After two weeks she mixes up the workouts so you don’t get bored. The first Phase I couldn’t do cardio for 30 days!! I know crazy right, but it makes perfect sense. You are trying to build a solid foundation of muscle and cardio might compromise your body being able to hold on to it. It wasn’t easy believe me, but overall I am so glad I didn’t do any cardio. I was sore after each workout and I loved getting to know some new moves in the weight room. The other thing I learned is that ABS are made in the kitchen. I only did abs four times during phase one, but because I was using my abs throughout all the other moves and eating clean my abs stayed strong. I think they may be getting a little more toned, but there is room to  improve.
Ok so let’s talk about the nutrition part of this program. The program includes a detailed schedule for exercise, nutrition, and supplementation. I chose to stick to clean eating and add in a lot more protein. I did follow a lot of the nutrition and a little of the supplementation. I drink at least one protein shake a day.  I aim for 5-6 meals a day, ate at least 100 grams of protein a day, and stuck to only one cheat night a week. I didn’t count calories as Jamie suggest not to. I  still ate Chobani yogurt, which is high in natural sugar, but have a ton of protein in them!! I would say I followed her nutritional program about 80%. I was just so happy to be getting in more protein and veggies, which is HARD for me!
The con’s so far, I wish I didn’t have to use the weight machines so much. I am a free weight kind of girl so obviously this program is not made for at home workouts. I also can not wait to get in cardio!!
I wasn’t going to take pictures of myself throughout each phase, but since I had one from January 1st I thought why not? It’s always encouraging when you can look back and see some results after all your hard work. Take note these are not the best photos, the before one was from the dressing room where I tried on my suit.
Believe me I am not tanner, the lighting in the right one was just darker. Next time I will get Hubby to help me take photos. I just knew if I didn’t get these now I would forget. I don’t see a huge difference, I need to measurements. My biceps have definitely gotten more definition as well as my shoulders.
I am going to get better photos of my back and shoulders and take my measurements this week to compare with my results to phase 2.
I did manage to trim down a few pounds and get rid of the couple pounds I gained from the Holidays. So now I am at my feel good happy weight which is between 128-134. I don’t want to lose any weight, I just want to tone up my back and abs mor and finish strong. I feel great already
Two great resources I thought I should share are Jamie Eason’s Facebook page and the official LiveFit Trainer Facebook group. People on there are so inspiring and I have gotten a lot of great recipe ideas from these sites!
I have 8 days till my cruise so I can’t wait to get my sweat on in Phase 2!!
Question: Ok friends, the floor is yours! What questions do you have for me about this program? What do you want to know more about?