Woke up this morning not as SORE!! Not going to lie this is the most sore I have ever felt after a race. My hamstrings are SO TIGHT. I can not bend them forward I kind of look like a ROBOT when I walk, you should have seen me at the market last night. Needless to say I am taking one more day to rest before I start my P9OX journey.
I did find out my good friend just opened up his own Yoga Studio and you can get your first month of unlimited Hot Yoga classes for $20! Of course I signed up and will be jumping on it tomorrow morning at 5:30am. I am so happy he has early morning classes, nothing like starting my morning with some downward facing dog So proud of him!
Started off my morning with a yummy smoothie:
- 1 cup almond milk
- 1 small banana
- 1 cup of ice
- 1 scoop of Vega Vanilla Almond Protein Powder
- 1 cup of frozen strawberries
I love that Hubby and I have matching lunch bags now I need start getting better at packing our lunches at night, it takes way too much time in the morning!!!
I worked on my plan for P9OX last night. I will be doing most of the workouts minus the Yoga (doing hot yoga instead) and for the cardio day I will be hitting up KB. I love that it is all so organized. Tonight I need to take my measurements and a before picture.
The plan for the first four weeks. I always have a new adventure on Saturdays so I didn’t want to limit myself, that day will be up for grabs.
You can Click Here to see it larger.
Question: Do you like following a plan?
For me a plan is the way to go, but I make it specific to me. I like to change it up a bit, no one plan works for EVERYONE!
P.S. I promise I will have my marathon training tips up tomorrow!!
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