Wow that went by fast! Loved the Crazy Sexy Vegan Diet challenge once again!!! Honestly this time was so much easier. I think the more I learn about plant based proteins the more I just naturally choose them over meat. Hear me LOUD and clear, I think everyone needs to what works best for them. With my digestion issues and how my body processes acidic food, more of a plant based diet works for me! I honestly think that it could work best for a lot of people if they gave it a try.
I was asked to give a run down of what my day looked like in eats this time around…so here we go friends:
This is not much different than normal. Vegan Shakeology with 1 cup of water, 1/2 cup hemp milk, 1 tbsp almond butter, and a frozen banana.
Weekends I enjoyed things like…Vegan Gluten Free Pancakes!
Big bowls of oats and fruit when I would go out with GREEN TEA!
I didn’t juice as much as I would have loved to this time around, but I got in at least 4 juices a week. I stuck to the easy Green Juice that Kris advises.
Giant SEXY salads! Filled with spinach, kale, romaine, carrots, bell peppers, cucumbers, pine nuts, Trader Joe’s Greek Goddess dressing, hemp seeds, nutritional yeast and an avocado.
Pizza with all kinds of gluten free crusts, like polenta and cauliflower.
Lots of baked tofu, sweet potatoes, and roasted veggies!
Nori Rolls were my life savor! Super easy to make and super tasty
Apples and Almonds
Veggies and Hummus
Salsa and Quinoa Chips
Protein Shakes (with Sun warrior protein) after workouts
All of these recipes are on my recipe page:
So what’s next?! CLEAN EATS! I really did this cleans to get my body back to it’s normal unbloated self (lost my 4 pounds I gained from Hawaii and the Holidays) from all the refined sugar and processed foods that I enjoyed over the holidays! Plus I was drinking WAY TOO much coffee.
The occasional meat, wine, and coffee is coming back in moderation of course I don’t want to restrict ANYTHING from my diet, instead I want to make healthy clean choices and enjoy the not so healthy stuff sometimes. Come on, let’s be honest I LOVE FOOD!
I am actually reading a lot about the eating plan in the New Rules of lifting for Women book and I am going to try some of her recipes soon! I am really liking the weight plan so far. I am not missing the hardcore cardio, but I do miss a good sweat! I do sweat doing weights, it’s just a lot different.
The cleanse was a lot of fun, because I did it with 6 other ladies and I loved the accountability and motivation! I also loved getting back in the kitchen. My body feels so good and I am ready for another (God willing) happy, healthy 2013!!!
P.S. I finally created my fashion page and plan to put details with everything soon
7 responses to “Last Day of CSD. What’s Next?”
Great job on that challenge! I wish I could get myself to do it! And you still owe me some shakeology!
Way to stick to the challenge! You have such willpower!
congrats on sticking with the challenge! I am interested to try this and I read her book once I saw you recommend it and I loved it. I just really need to get my act together and make the effort to do it. I feel like the preparation part is the only thing holding me back, that and I don’t have a juicer. But I think I will probably try this before my wedding in May, it would be a great way to slim up!
Thanks for posting about this and for all the recipes!
Interesting…quinoa chips (Sounds good)!
Those meals look so healthy and full of nutrients! I’ll try to copy you and incorporate some of the recipes
I usually eat meat only occasionally, with the focus on plant foods, so I’m excited to see all these good eats!
Those meals look so healthy and full of nutrients! I’ll try to copy you and incorporate some of the recipes
oh you know i love this! and i agree more people should try eating a plant based diet. so good for you and the planet. occasionally i too partake in cheese and meat but very rarely because i do not like how i feel. but jsut yesterday i craved eggs so i had them-NBD. glad you created a fashion page-you have such style!