Hello Good Looking Folks, this is the hubby helping Bobs out with her guest posts and maybe sometime in the next day or two, a special post from… me! Woot!
Anyhow, here is an article Bobbi wrote that she meant to post in July, but Bobbi was a busy-busy-bumble-bee! So here it is… July’s Featured Fridge in August
This month I had the honor of featuring the lovely Kath for my Featured Foodie Fridge Article.
Kath was my inspiration for starting my blog I love all of her wonderful bowls of oats, fitness tips, and following her journey to becoming a Registered Dietician! I don’t know about all of you but I was excited to see what Kath has behind those refrigerator doors.
Hello Kath! I am so glad that you agreed to let us peek into that lovely fridge of yours. I absolutely adore your blog, it’s my go to guide for a lot of my meals! I love all your eats; now let’s see what’s really in that fridge of yours.
Bobbi: So Kath have you always been a healthy eater?
Kath: Pretty much, yes. I’ve never been into junk food or fast food, but I have been known to clear out a dessert buffet! I ate pretty healthy in middle and high school and played on the soccer team, and I ate pretty well in college – I just ate way too much!
Bobbi: First off WOW, you have to have the cleanest fridge I have ever seen, it makes me want to stop typing and go clean mine!! As I look through your fridges I notice a lot of Oikos but no milk? Are you allergic to milk or do you prefer Soy?
Kath: I love an organized fridges. I alternate between organic milk and soy milk due to the cost. The soy milks are shelf stable and super cheap at Costco and milk goes bad more quickly and is more expensive because I choose organic, but ultimately I like 1% low-fat milk the very best!
Bobbi: I also see some fresh cilantro, I think? Is keeping it in a glass of water the best way to store it? Is there anything else you should store like this?
Kath: That’s what I’ve heard! All the magazines say to keep herbs upright in water. I’ve found it helps me use them too. The other night when I made dinner I would have forgotten to add it if I hadn’t put it on the visible shelf like that. It seemed to keep it pretty fresh too.
Bobbi: I also spy something with a Clif label on it, what is that?
Kath: Those are Clif’s new sports drinks that they sent me to sample. I’ve tried two of them and thought they were pretty good, but I don’t drink sports drinks very often so it’s taking me a while to drink them.
Bobbi: I don’t see too many meat products in your fridge, do you guys eat a lot of meat?
Kath: We don’t eat much meat again due to the cost. I try to keep my grocery bill low by choosing one meat per week. This week is beef tenderloin from the freezer! Last week was organic chicken tenders. I like meat a lot and think it has a valuable place in the human diet, but I don’t think you need to eat it everyday. I like to choose it when I’m in restaurants because the cost margin is lower than a vegetarian pasta. I also try to eat canned wild salmon, sardines or tuna at least once a week.
Bobbi: I see two things in your fridge that caught my eye, the Beer and the Pickles. How many times a week would you say you have an alcoholic beverage? Do you prefer beer over wine?
Kath: I’m a huge wine drinker – we honeymooned in Sonoma Wine Country!! But I do love a delicious beer. I usually choose wine over beer because it takes me longer to sip through a glass than I chug through a beer, but I love them both. We have Cottonwood Pumpkin Beers in the fridge left over from last fall! I’m savoring them all year long, although Matt gets annoyed with me when I don’t drink them. (They are all mine and off limits to him!) He has his own home brews to drink. But I guess having beers from the fall shows you that I don’t drink while I am at home very often. I like to save alcohol for social events.
Bobbi: Kath I love all of your condiments! I am sure you use a lot of these in your oatmeal creations. I am sure it’s not easy to choose but if you had to pick which condiment would you say is your favorite?
Kath: Currently it’s the Futter Butter Hazelnut Butter that VeggieGirl sent me. I didn’t really like it at first but it has REALLY grown on me!! It’s got almost a grassy taste to it. Definitely very different from peanut and almond butters. Oh wait, is nut butter a condiment!? If we’re talking ketchup and mustard, I love Gulden’s Zesty Honey Mustard the best!
Bobbi: Love LOVE Love the fruit bowl, where did you get it? How long would you say all this fruit lasts in your house?
Kath: That fruit will last us all week – and maybe a little longer. I ended up putting some of the bananas in the freezer for smoothies, though, as they got too ripe. The bowl is from Pottery Barn. It was a wedding gift from my sister and Matt!
Bobbi: Kath I know your Hubby is quite the cook, what would you say is your favorite meal to prepare together? Would you mind sharing the recipe?
Kath: Matt is really good at pizza dough. I am really good at raving about his pizza dough while I’m chewing it!! I’d say that’s our favorite meal to prepare together. You can find his dough recipe (which is whole wheat!) at www.BrewandBake.com.
Bobbi: Alright girl thanks so much for sharing with all of us. Okay, last question, if you could have any celebrity to cook for whom would it be and why?
Kath: Robin Miller is my favorite celebrity chef. I think we have similar cooking styles, and I’d love to talk to her about all of the recipe development and freelance work she has done. And I think she is so cute! Barefoot Contessa would be another who I would love to meet. As long as she would let me come cook in HER kitchen. I absolutely love how simple and organized it is!!
Thanks Bobbi!
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