Morning friends !
My HIM training is in FULL SWING!! The past three days have been awesome. Feels good to be training again. This is just the motivation I needed.
Tuesday I woke up at 4:30am and met with the the Redlands local group to get in an early 5 mile run. Even though it was before 6am it still was a HOT ONE!
Running with Susie always makes it more fun!
Tuesday night was Taco Tuesday with the ladies…a lot new faces and new friends!
They have the best deal on Tuesdays at Tolucas in Beaumont, 2 tacos beans, rice, and chips and salsa for $3.40! I’ll have to bring Hubby!
Of course we enjoyed For-Yo together, it was right next door!
On to Wednesday for a 30 minute pool session bright and early. Every time I put my cap on it takes me back to my high school water polo days! I am not sure anyone looks attractive in a swim cap ;)
My swim workout book still hasn’t come in , so I did some intervals that helped pass the time. I pretty much made this up.
Warm Up
350 yds ( about 14 25yd laps)
Main Set
200 yds
150 yds
100 yds
50 yds
Cool Down
200 Yds
Total of about 70 lengths in a 25 yd pool….not bad
My breathing is getting a lot better!!!!
I love how simple swimming is! Cap, google, watch, and suit!
Tuesday night was kettle bells! Love that it so happened that the training plan I am following has me do weights on Wednesday because then I get to do KETTLEBELLS! We did a lot of dragon walks (you can look it up here, so my legs were killing!
I also taught kickboxing, but pretty much walked the room. I am not CRAZY my body needs time to build the muscle!
My night ended with a restorative YOGA class!! This is just what my body needed!!!
What is Restorative yoga???
It Releases tension and rejuvenates!! This class nurtures your mind, body, and soul by helping alleviate stress and promote conscious relaxation.
It was a soothing and therapeutic late night yoga class that will helped slow me down!
I had an amazing night of sleep after this!!!
On the training schedule for this morning was a 45 minute bike ride! I almost didn’t go, but so glad I made it! The 4:45 wake up call is getting easier I literally rolled out of bed and headed out to meet the gang!
My legs were burning, so I listened to my body and took it EASY! It felt refreshing to see the sunrise and just relax on the bike. Well I shouldn’t say relax, because I was still sweating like crazy!!! Tonight I REST!
Don’t worry I have been eating like 6 times a day and making sure to eat lots of healthy carbs and proteins! Love my new egg concoction, I’ll tell you more about this soon!
Question: What are your vacation plans this summer?
We are going to Zion in September! Can’t wait!
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