Well actually I joined a thing:)
This year my word of the year is discipline and that is a whole blog post in itself. I am blogging again which feels so GOOD! I am so happy to be back, but before I get in to all the things I have to tell you about something I have fallen in love with, Beauty Counter. Have you heard of it? Well if not, I am not sure why it has taken me so long to commit. My sweet friend Heidi told me about a few years ago and I wasn’t sure what the hype was all about until my friend Kristin sent me a bunch of their  products to try out for a few months and I can honestly say it has changed my entire face!! It has made my skin feel alive again!!
I used to be so good at taking care of my skin. I would wash it every night, tone, mask, moisturize, the whole shibang. Then we had kids and I threw it all out the window. This year I decided I want to bring that discipline BACK and start taking care of my skin. Since moving to AZ my skin has been so dry and just not the same. Doesn’t help that I just turned 37 and gravity is not on my side;) I am ok with getting older but I don’t want to age any quicker than I have to! Â So I knew I needed to get back to a regular skin routine, but this time it needed to be CLEAN!
What I love about Beauty Counter the most is they are filled with CLEAN and EFFECTIVE ingredients! You know me, I am all about clean and toxic free life (proud hippy mom). To be honest I didn’t want to join another MLM and sound salsey, but Beauty Counter is NOT another MLM…it’s more of a sister helping a sister out kind of thing. It is direct sales, but I promise there is no scheme here! Â If you know me at all then you know I wouldn’t want to share about anything that I truly was not passionate about, shoot I tell people about all the things I love that I don’t even sale! Â Y’all don’t worry I won’t be talking about skin care products all the time on my blog and blasting you with promos! I just wanted to share something I am loving right now and give you the opportunity if you are interested in helping you with your skin care journey. If this is something you are interested in shoot me an email nhershoes@gmail.com.

So that is it! I can’t tell you enough how amazing my skin feels and looks! I get compliments all the time. I have made it part of my routine and I actually look forward to washing my face at night! The Cleansing Balm get’s all my mascara off without even having to scrub! So glad I found something that I love and can stand 100% behind!
Question: What is a product that you know that you need to be using?Â