It’s Tuesday, one day closer to Friday!!!
Last night’s AD meeting lasted 5 hours!!! I was beat when I got home, but was determined to get up early and hit the gym. I woke up at 5am and made it to they gym by 5:15! I did an easy 3 mile run, free weights, and an intense ab workout.
Intense Abs:
50 basic crunches
50 bicycles
50 double crunches
40 toe touches
2 minute plank
15 walking pushups
1 minute jujitsu sit ups
When I got home, looked what I found on my doorstep! I was so excited when Honest Foods contacted me to try some of their new bars.
Choco Peanut Butter, amazing!
I couldn’t wait to try some in my oats this morning. I also couldn’t wait to add in some Fresh Cranberry Sauce that I got this weekend at Fresh and Easy.
I made some Pumpkin Oats, topped it off with Cranberry Sauce, 1/4 HF Cranberry Lemon Zest Bar, and a dollop of Oikos Yogurt.
Super Yummy!
Thanksgiving Challenge Update…
This far I have been kicking butt at my Thanksgiving Challenge. Most of the food I have had to buy has been for our dinner party and a few extras here and there. My goal was to spend $150 on groceries this month and so far we have only spent $65.64. This week we have a fridge full of leftovers, and then this weekend we are having an early Thanksgiving Dinner with my family (and I am not cooking). I have full confidence that we can make it through!
POTM Update
I have already beat my measly little 48 miles from last year, and am at 60 miles!!! My goal is to run 100 miles before Thanksgiving and not gain a single pound! POTM participants how are you doing out there? We are in our third week and I haven’t heard from too many of you. The Operation Beautiful prize is still up for grabs, I haven’t had anyone send me a story of how they are spreading the OB love out there! If you have done some Operation Beautiful while out on your runs please email me you story.
I am going to have a fun lunch post some come back soon
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