Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup

When I was sick as a little girl chicken noodle soup has always made me feel so much better. Things have not changed, chicken noodle soup has just gotten a grown up makeover 🙂


With most of the ingredients on hand, I went to work in the kitchen!



1 Whole Chicken Cooked and Shredded

1/2 package of whole wheat egg noodles (or whatever you have on hand)

6 chopped carrots

1 chopped onion

1 cup corn

1 can garbanzo beans

1 can black bens

4 cups of chicken stock (or you could use a bouillon cube)

Salt and Pepper to taste


Cook onion until softened then add it to all the ingredients to a large pot. Simmer for 20 minutes and enjoy.


Easy right? You can even freeze it for that sick day that my come 🙂


Now if I just had homemade saltines to enjoy with it 😉

I have one more Doctors appointment today,  praying everything goes well!

Question: When you are sick, what is something you crave?


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