The hubby and I woke up exhausted this morning. We both tossed and turned all night. I felt like I had restless leg syndrome, from my hips down I was in some uncomfortable pain. Hubby was sore too, from all the softball he played this weekend. We are both in desperate need of massages! I could have woke up at 5 this morning but I knew I had a long day ahead of me so I snoozed till 6. When I got up I felt better. I am going to do some Yoga and deep stretching before I head out to work. I was going to make some homemade granola this morning , but I was out of Old fashion OATS, I only had my Coach’s Oats. So I guess I ll have to run to the store today and make them tomorrow.
After we got out of bed look who decided to take over!!
I made a great big bowl of Pumpkin Oats this morning, inspired by Kath. I think this was my best bowl yet.
1/2 cup Coaches oats
1/2 cup vanilla hemp milk
1/4 cup water
1/4 cup pumpkin
1/2 banana(which I have never put in my pumpkin oats)
handful of sliced almonds
handful of flax
handful of granola
honey drizzled on top
I loved the texture I think the banana helped.
Well I am going to do some Yoga, have a nice long quiet time, and enjoy the rest of my morning. I hope I make it through kickboxing tonight my body’s feeling pretty beet up today. Have a beautiful day everyone.
Oh and I have a question for you all, what is one thing you love about blogging and why?
I think for me it has been great to have a community of people that have similar passions as me. I also get inspired by reading other blogs, to eat healthier, work out harder, and just be a better person all around! I also love writing about things that I love and helping others become inspired as well.
P.S. Hubby just told me that yesterdays Tri was an 11 mile bike ride and the last Tri I did was only a 9 mile bike ride, so I did do better!!!
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