I got 9 HOURS of sleep last night!!! WOW. I told Hubby to go ahead and set the alarm clock for 7am because I knew I would be up before then, but just in case. I must have slept super hard because I didn’t wake up until the alarm went off. To celebrate my glorious 9 hours of sleep I made myself some blueberry oats with pumpkin butter
The mix:
- 1/3 cup oats, almond milk, water, half banana, pinch salt
- 2-3 tbsp wheatberries
- 1 tbsp flax
- 1-2 tbsp chopped pecans
- 1/4 c blueberries
- small handful of Bobbi’s Granola Greatness
- Spoonful Naturally More PB
- Spoonful of the last of my Pumpkin Butter
I forgot how much I LOVE pumpkin in my oats, next week I am picking up some canned pumpkin for sure.
I had a nice cup of Joe as well with some Silk Creamer. Check out those RAIN CLOUDS!!!!
Last night Hubby and I went to a surprise party for one of his coworkers. We had a wonderful time, and they had FUNFETTI cake that I so sadly turned down, prayed, and walked away:) I am glad I made dinner before, because it was basically cake and ice cream, and some strawberries at the party. I did have a few strawberries, but no sweets.
Dinner before hand was Salmon, WW rice, some tomatoes and asparagus. I also had a huge leftover salad from the BBQ on Sunday.
I think I could eat salmon everyday of the week:)
I was sent the following workout tips from Lauren at Say What You Need to Say, LOVE her blog!
- Whenever you run on the tredmil, try to focus on posture. It will help with breathing and actually help you in speed.Not to mention keep those abs in shape.
- Not stretching out after a workout is the number one result of many minor injuries and aches and pains!!
- Whenever you reach that point in your workout where you feel your body start to drag, try to shout out something amusing like "I love my BUTT" It will give you a boost of confidence and lighten your mood.
- When strength training, start with legs first and then move to arms. You will use more energy during your leg workout than you use for your arms.
*Do you have four tips to share, email me and I will post about them!
Things to tackle today:
- Work
- Track Workout
- Dinner/Date Night
- Make My NHERSHOES Power Bars for the Amanda:)
12 MORE DAYS UNTIL BOSTON, 10 more days until I leave:)
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