HAPPY Monday
Ok why is it always so much harder to get out of bed on a Monday?! Susie and I went for a 7.5 mile run this morning and the only thing that got me out of bed is knowing that she was going to be waiting outside my door!! Having a running buddy makes it so much easier to push myself out of my comfy bed.
Per usual I felt great after we ran and was so glad I did it!
I had little time to make breakfast, but thanks to Nature’s Path Hemp Plus Oatmeal I was able to get some protein and fiber all in one!
Look you can see the Hemp seeds.
I added a 1/2 nanner, 1/4 c blueberries, and some Mega Munch. All with a spoonful of PB.
I love these purple flowers that our growing outside our front window! Anyone know what they are called?
Off to have the BEST day of my life!
Question: What is your favorite go to protein packed breakfast??