Today marks the day that the most wonderful man was blessed unto the world and his name is Matthew Brian McCormick, 31 and going strong I get to not only love this man everyday, but I get to celebrate his birthday each time I see his sweet smile. He is just like his name’s definition, God’s Gift
Plus he’s gotta be lucky, he was born on St.Patty’s DAY!!
For breakfast I enjoyed a simple scramble egg sammy with ww toast.
And made Hubby a to-go breakfast (he is not a morning eater).
We are taking a half day at work and then getting one hour massages!!! We have been saving an amazing Groupon that we got for half off, for such an occasion After our massages we are going to hit up the Farmers Market and then enjoy a lovely meal at home.
Question: Are you a big fan of birthdays?
I love celebrating other peoples birthdays, but I kind of like being low key for my own.
P.S. Sorry about not posting the contest this past weekend, it will be up soon!
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