Happy Birthday Hubby

Today marks the day that the most wonderful man was blessed unto the world and his name is Matthew Brian McCormick, 31 and going strong 😉 I get to not only love this man everyday, but I get to celebrate his birthday each time I see his sweet smile. He is just like his name’s definition, God’s Gift 🙂 Plus he’s gotta be lucky, he was born on St.Patty’s DAY!!


For breakfast I enjoyed a simple scramble egg sammy with ww toast.


And made Hubby a to-go breakfast (he is not a morning eater).


We are taking a half day at work and then getting one hour massages!!! We have been saving an amazing Groupon that we got for half off, for such an occasion 🙂 After our massages we are going to hit up the Farmers Market and then enjoy a lovely meal at home.


Question: Are you a big fan of birthdays?

I love celebrating other peoples birthdays, but I kind of like being low key for my own.

P.S. Sorry about not posting the contest this past weekend, it will be up soon!


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