After work today I met up with Jackie and hit the pavement for an 8 mile run!! Instead of stretching I got my hair did 🙂 At least it’s one of my dearest friends who doesn’t mind my sweaty butt! I have my bangs and shade again!!! Have you heard of a shade? It’s a semi-permanent that brings out your natural color 🙂

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I am so proud of Jamie she just opened up her own shop!!! The GLAM BOX..It’s adorable.

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Then I went to have dinner with my Mama and Family. My brother Chris is in town (he moved to Arizona) it was great to catch up!

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Mom made lasagna!


Oh and look what I finally remember to use on my run today? My Lululemon key hide. My car key fits in the hidden pocket, I am sure you could make this. I’ll show you the inside soon.


Oh and isn’t this how everyone eats ice-cream? 😉

