Alright folk we had a very fun filled Tuesday that I know y’all have all been dying to hear about it…lol
Hubby and I went to Huey’s this afternoon to meet up with some old college friends. I thought we were going to DIE on the way there because Memphis drivers are crazy, and I thought California drivers were bad. I love Huey’s, it’ such a fun and relaxing atmosphere and I hear they have great burgers. I am not a big hamburger eater, and because we have eaten out a lot already I wanted to be a little good. I ordered a side salad and a West Coast burger, go figure. It had a wheat bun, onion and guacamole. I asked for bbq on the side because they have some of the best bbq sauce around! The turkey burger was HUGE, probably had just as much FAT as a regular burger none the less it was yummy!
I miss Big B and Jenny. Big B was my best guy friend in college and because he is 6’11 he protected me like a big brother! Jenny and I trained for my first marathon together but because of conflicting schedule she wasn’t able to finish, but she was the only one at the finish line that came to support ME!!! THANKS JENNY!
A couple of week ago I received 5 free smoothies, from SMOOTHIE KING, thanks KERF for doing the contest! Hubby and I made a smoothie trip and I got a small mocha smoothie and hubby got a kiwi and strawberry smoothie! We saved them for our dinner dessert.
Sadly it was our last night in Memphis, before we head out to Mississippi to the FIL’s farm. That’s right my FIL lives on a freaking huge FARM! He has a huge garden with corn, purple hole peas, squash, cabbage, and so so much more! He also has goats, and 2 huge dogs! I remember the first time I visited we drove around his farm and he had all these beautiful fields of grass and he told me how the dear came and ate at it, I thought that was cute until he told me that in exchange he got to have dear for DINNER!!! Lol…I was so naive.
Anyways back to eating, we had dinner with my college roomy Jess and her fiancé Josiah. It was so nice to catch up and hear about all their fun wedding plans. I am so happy for her and I can’t wait to come back in March for their big day!!! We ate at one of my very favorite restaurants, The American Café. I was tempted to try something different but I went with my usual, the Hawaiian Chicken Salad! It has lots of yummy grilled chicken, walnuts, pineapple, an orange right in the middle, coconut, and a skewer of shrimp on top. Not just good but pretty also! I love the presentation of food too, do any of you appreciate that too? I also had two glassed of Pinot Noir, hey I am on vacation and I had a SALAD for dinner!!!

Ok let me just start with this, I love my MIL (mother in law) she is great! Hubby and I were blessed to stay at her house in Memphis this week, thank you Mary. Well I needed something from the freezer and when I went to open it (this is the extra freezer in the garage) we found this.
She lives alone, why does she need this much food? I think it is because she is storing up in case of emergency. Otherwise why in the world would she have this MUCH food! Hubby says that she says “they were on sale and just in case she might need themâ€. WOW that’s all I have to say, WOW.
Is there a freaky fridge that you have seen in your lifetime? Would you be willing to share?
Alright to conclude this post I would post all the competitors of the POTM.
Here they are, and you guys rock keep Piling On Those Miles!!! I am so proud of each and everyone for working so hard, and being so disciplined and determined!!!!
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