Last night I went for my long run for the week, with my friend Val. I was excited that I was going to be able to get it in, because this weekend was just too packed. Well what I thought would be a great run, turned out to be my worst run in a VERY long time. For some reason my stomach kept cramping up. I am not sure if it’s because I ate something that didn’t agree with me, or mother nature was being a beast! We did get in at least 7 miles and ran a good 9 minute pace. BEST POSSIBLE 🙂

I really didn’t get hungry last night for dinner, but had a peanut butter and banana sandwich because I knew I needed to eat. I went to bed early and feel all better this morning!


This morning I enjoyed the yummy Granola I made yesterday in my Oats.



along with some blackberries…


honey, Fage, and PB.


With coffee of course 🙂 The Granola is ok, not my favorite but good!


Time to get ready for DISNEYLAND! Hubby and I need some fun in our lives 🙂

Question: Have you ever been to Disneyland or Disney World? Are you a fan?


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